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CCMP87-RD-023 天麻活性成分對位羥基苯醇改善學習記憶作用與下視丘-腦下垂體-腎上腺軸之關係

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


現今之社會已逐步邁入老年化,使老年人口比率日增,同時癡呆症患者亦隨之增加;現已知初期癡呆症患者之臨床主要徵候為學習記憶之能力逐漸減退,特別是近期記憶喪失及剛學習之事物無法記得;而在病情日趨惡化,近、遠期之記憶會逐次喪失。在我們一系列? w對天麻及其活性成分之研究,已分離得天麻活性成分鵀懃m基苯醇,具改善藥物誘發之學習記憶障礙。在今之研究,認為智能增強劑之增強學習記憶作用,可能經由影響腎上腺之機能,使體內之glucose使用率增加,腦內血醣濃度增加,因而增加腦內能量之供給,活化腦內神經系統;而? t一方面,下視丘-腦下垂體-腎上腺軸參與動物之行為,特別是運動、害怕及學習記憶有關,而serotonergic system又與下視丘-腦下垂體-腎上腺軸有明確之關係。
因此,本研究擬以被動迴避反應,進行周邊神經系統拮抗劑、神經毒素、去腎上腺對p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol作用之影響,探討周邊神經系統在p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol改善學習記憶作用所扮演之角色;其次,以5,7-dihydroxytryptamine破壞下視丘對p-hydroxyb enzyl alcohol作用之影響及p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol經下視丘給藥對p-chloroamphetamine誘發學習記憶障礙之作用,探討下視丘在p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol改善學習記憶作用所扮演之角色。最後,以血醣測定儀及微透析-高效液相層析儀進行血醣濃度及下視丘serotonin濃度測定,探討血醣及下視丘serotonin在p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol改善學習記憶作用所扮演之角色。

Improving effects of p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol on learning and memory in rats: correlation with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

Hsieh Ming-Hsuen 
China Medical College
The population of older is gradually increasing, the patients suffered from dementia are simultaneously increasing. The mainly symptoms of the dementia involved the decline of cognition function, especially the decline of recent memo ry and easily forgotten for recent learning experience. When the symptoms of the patients suffered from dementia are serious, the long-term memory will be gradually lose. In our series studies, p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol was separated from Gastrodia elata a nd could counteract the drug-induced memory deficits in the passive avoidance task. The theory for action mechanism of cognition activators is that cognition activators can enhance learning and memory processes via activating adrenal gland function, incr easing plasma glucose levels and energy supply for brain. On the other hand, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis plays an important role in animals behavior, especially fear, motivation and memory processes. Then, the ascending serotonergic neurons in
關鍵字:p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol , Passive avoidance task、Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis