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CCMP87-RD-024 中藥對Kainic Acid誘發癲癇發作老鼠效用之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

中藥對 Kainic Acid誘發癲癇發作老鼠效用之研究

癲癇是自古以來就已存在的疾病,但醫學進步的今日仍然被列為難病,古書上的記載大都是以平肝息風的方法來治療,如使用羚羊鉤藤湯、鎮肝熄風湯、天麻鉤藤飲,但其療效與藥物的作用機轉尚缺乏作一客觀的評估。所以本研究的是以動物引發癲癇發作模型來研? s具有平肝息風作用的中藥之中天麻和鉤藤之有效成分香莢蘭醇(vanillyl alcohol)及鉤藤鹼(rhynchophylline)的抗癲癇效應及其作用機轉,進而追尋更好的抗癲癇治療方法。方法是將50隻重200-300克的男性Sprangue-Dawley(SD)老鼠使用pentobarbital 50mg/Kg腹腔注射麻醉後,將其頭? 〝騆m於老鼠立體定位儀上,將其皮膚從正中切開使頭骨露出,然後將不鏽鋼的螺旋電極置於兩側的感覺運動皮質及頸部的肌肉上。經一星期之後,隨機分成5組每組十隻。A為控制組﹕除了注射 Kainic acid引發癲癇發作外,不施予任何藥物﹔B為對照組﹕先腹腔注射catechin acid 30分鐘後,然後再投予 Kainic acid引發癇發作﹔C為天麻組﹕如同B組,先注入天麻有效成分之抽取液香莢蘭醇(vanillyl alcohol)於腹腔內﹔D為鉤藤鉤組﹕如同B組,先腹腔注入鉤藤鉤有效成分抽取液鉤藤鹼(rhynchophylline)於腹腔內。E為控制對照組﹕腹腔注射PBS溶液,而不投予任何藥物? ?Kainic acid。腦波記錄及行為的觀察是從藥物投予前15分鐘到 Kainic acid投予後三小時為止。藥物效果的評估是根據動物行為(癲癇發作之頻率)及腦波的變化,所得到的結果是利用ANOVA test來檢定動物組間之有意差。

A study in the effect of Chinese herb on rat with kainic acid -induced seizure

Ching-Liang Hsieh 
Epilepsy resulted from abnormal synchronized discharge of a group neurons in brain, which had existed since ancient time, although modern medicine has good development, it is still classified to be an intractable disorder. Using the methods of calming the liver and extinguishing wind (平肝息風) may be used to treat epilepsy had been mentioned by ancient Chinese writings, but their therapeutic effects and action mechanisms of these drugs still remian unclear. Therefore, the purpose o f the present study tried using drug-induced-seizure model in animal to evaluated the antiepileptic effect and action mechanisms of Tien-Ma (天麻) and Kuo-Teng (鉤藤) which have the function of calming the liver and extinguishing wind, and further to sea rch for more perfective methods to treat epilepsy. Methods: a total of 50 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, weighing 200-300g, they were anesthetized by using 50 mg/Kg intraperitoneal injection (i.p.), then their skull were exposed and the stainless screw electr od
關鍵字:Tien-Ma(天麻), Kuo-Teng(鉤藤), epilepsy