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CCMP87-RD-027 中藥在治療男性不孕的機轉評估--以菟絲子單方和五子衍宗丸複方的對比研究模式

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究是以中藥單方菟絲子和五子衍宗丸為對比研究模式,來探討中藥增加精蟲活動力的機轉。菟絲子在體外能增進精蟲的活動力,這種作用和目前常用的西藥 pentoxyphyllin 有何異同?是否無害於精蟲或人體?對精蟲 cyclic AMP,phosphodiesterase 及 calc ium-influx 的影響?從以上的研究可以讓我們在今後的臨床運用上以菟絲子用於精蟲的處理。如在洗滌精蟲時加入菟絲子以增進精蟲活動力,提高人工生殖科技的授孕率。另一方面,菟絲子口服後如能使男性不孕病人的精蟲活動力增加,也將是臨床上首先以瞭解中藥作用機轉來治療男性? ㄔ左漱@個模式,以此奠定中藥在治療不孕症的一個地位,並為發展中藥在這領域運用的一個契機。

Evaluation of the mechanism by Chinese herb "Semen Cuscutate and Wu-Zi-Yan-Zong-Wan"for the treatment of male infertility

Han-Sun Chaing 
Taipei Medical College
The project aims to explore a study model for the Chinese herbal medicine with sperm motility enhancement. In our previous experience, we found that Semen Cuscutate can promote the sperm motility in vitro. To evaluate the effec t mechanism of Semen Cuscutate on the sperm motility, we design the study of the change of cyclic AMP, phosphodiesterase and calcium-influx in the spermatozoa. After adding Semen Cuscutate in vitro with a positive control of pentoxyphyllin, we evaluate t he effect of sperm motility enhancement in these two medication. If the Semen Cuscutate could be proved for a better motility of sperm; we will try to use it in the sperm processing to increase the fertilization rate of assisted reproductive technology. On the other hand, this study project is also going to perform a clinical trial with Semen Cuscutate in the treatment of male infertility. In comparison the present useful Chinese herbal medicationWu-Zi-Yan-Zong-Wan, we evaluate the effect of sperm motil ity of i
關鍵字:Semen Cuscutate,sperm motility,male intertility