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CCMP87-RD-029 防風指標成分之製備與品質管制

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


防風(Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk.)最早收錄於神農本草經,列為草部上品,其學名及市場代用品極為複雜;而許多常用的中藥方劑如:荊防敗毒散、消風散、防風通聖散、玉屏風散、獨活寄生湯....等都含有防風;且防風又為國人常? 峈漱@百種方劑中荊防敗毒散、消風散、蠲痺湯、三痺湯、獨活寄生湯及小續命湯等方劑之君藥,未來中藥品質管制將著重於君藥之指標成分定量,為確保國人用藥安全及中藥製劑療效之可靠性,應對防風之原料藥材進行成分分析,建立其藥材指標成分及定量分析之模式。
本計畫擬以防風中特有之鎮痛、降血壓之活性成分cimifugin作為此藥材之指標成分,大量由防風中抽取純化cimifugin,並建立防風藥材中cimifugin的高效率液相層析定量分析模式,以作為未來中藥製劑品質管制定量之標準品及規範;並以此定量模式分析市售之? 冪溼藹髐勺imifugin指標成分含量,以作為未來衛生署制定中藥標準之參考。

The marker standard preparation of Saposhnikoviae Radix and quality control

Ling Ling Yang 
Taipei Medical College
Fang-Feng, the root of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. (=Ledebouriella seseloides Wolff , L. divaricata (Turcz.) Hiroe, Siler divaricatum Benth. et Hook, Trinia seseloides Ledeb, T. dahurica Turcz., Stenocoelium divarica tum Turcz.), was used in China for cold, headache and dizziness syndrome of many Chinese medicinal prescriptions. However other original of roots were also used in mainland China (Seseli mairei Wolff, S. yunianense Franch, Libanotis laticalycina Shan et Sheh ?.etc.) and Japan (Glehnia littoralis ) for replace the Saposhnikoviae Divaricatae Radix. Fang-Feng are the major medicine in many Chinese medicinal prescriptions like Fang-Feng-Tong-Sheng-San, Yu-Ping-Feng-San and Jing-Fang-Bai-Du-San. Cimifugin , a kind of chrome specially contained in S. divaricata, have a pharmacological effects of antihypertension and analgesic which like the clinical effects of Fang-Feng. For the quantitative analysis of Fang-Feng contained in prescriptions, we went to isol ated a
關鍵字:Saposhnikovia divaricata ;cimifugin;marker substance;quantitative analysis;HPLC; commercial ; quality control