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CCMP87-RD-033 小青龍湯對於過敏氣喘動物之免疫調控的影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


氣喘是臨床上小兒慢性疾病中最常見的過敏性疾病之一,其流行率與嚴重度在近年來持續的增加,傳統中醫在氣喘的治療上有長期的經驗與許多的治療模式,但都缺乏實驗加以驗証並探討其治療的機轉,由於過去研究中顯示小青龍湯能有效治療氣喘的立即與遲發性? L敏氣喘反應(林崇舜、高尚德等),並能減少局部的發炎細胞侵潤,所以我們假設小青龍除了直接鬆弛呼吸道平滑肌外,可能也有使過敏免疫發炎反應的TH2反應逆轉成正常的TH1反應。本研究則是利用過敏氣喘動物模式,來探討常被用來治療過敏氣喘的方劑─小青龍湯,對於過敏發炎反? 酗丑A免疫機能調控的影響。
過敏氣喘老鼠的建立,是根據我們過去發表的經驗中,利用老鼠尾部皮內注射最常見過敏原塵蹣(Der P. Dermatophagoid pteronyssinus)達到致敏的目的後,每日餵食小青龍湯連續14天後,再以塵蹣刺激原做氣管內刺激,觀察其氣管肺泡沖洗液內發炎過敏細胞? 瘍雂A細胞間發炎介白質(interleukin)的變化,取其血清,淋巴結的T細胞,做細胞株培養,來觀察使用小青龍湯與對照老鼠之間的差異及其影響。

The immunomodulate effect of Xia-Qing-Long-Tong on mite-sensitized allergic mice.

Jiu-Yao Wang 
National Chenge Kung University
Allergic asthma is a most common chronic disease in children. The prevalence of this disease is increased rapidly in recent ten years and the cause of increased incidence is unknown either. There were detailed descriptions about the pathologic mechanisms, symptoms, clinical experiences and therapeutic prescriptions of asthma in the traditional Chinese medicine. However, many therapeutic mechanisms are still unclear. Previously, there were studies that used animal model to investigat e the therapeutic mechanisms of Xiao-Qing-Long-Tang which also frequently used in clinics. The results showed that Xiao-Qing-Long-Tang was useful to relieve the early and late asthmatic reactions and reduce the local infiltration of inflammatory cells. According to recent theory that the Th1/Th2 paradigm provides a useful model for understanding the pathogenesis of several diseases. And it has been noted that there are increasing IL-4 synthesis and recruitment of eosinophile infilt ration to suggest asthma
關鍵字:Xia-Qing-Long-Tong, Mite Sensitized immunomodulate