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CCMP87-RD-034 癲癇的中西醫學整合研究--中藥方柴胡龍骨牡蠣湯的實驗抗癲癇作用基礎研究(5-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫是中國人的心血與智慧遺產,蘊含豐富的經驗醫療資源,我們想藉此做系統、完整、客觀、科學化的整理與研究。傷寒論的柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯是最具潛力的抗癲癇經方,並依現代醫學文獻加入天麻、鉤籐深具抗癲癇效應的兩味中藥而成"加減柴胡龍骨牡蠣湯"。此藥方可委由GMP中藥廠製成科學中藥,採用雙盲、隨機、安慰劑控制之添加應用於頑固性癲癇病患,做臨床療效及副作用評估。在臨床試驗之前,本研究將先依美國國家抗癲癇藥物的篩選及基礎研究,以期証實中醫藥方的抗癲癇作用,並尋找其真正抗癲癇作用的主成份及作用機制,以發? {新的抗癲癇藥。未來並將彙集其它有潛力的中藥做同樣的比較研究。
另一方面,為了打開中西醫學的溝通大門,亦將致力於中西醫癲癇醫學學說/理論發展的文獻整理與比較研究,其中包括病態生理、病因、臨床診斷及處置原則。同時我們也需確實了解台灣民眾及病患對癲癇中西醫療的認知情況,以做為設計推廣正當癲癇醫療的參考與依據。 本研究首在打開中西醫學癲癇研究溝通大門,以科學化的研究証實/開發中藥的醫療應用價值,達到中西一元。

The Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine in Epilepsy Research ---Experimental Study for Antiepileptic Effects of the Chinese Herb Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan

Tsai Jing-Jane 
National Cheng Kung
The alternative management of epilepsy in terms of Chinese Medicine becomes attractive to the patients as well as the medical professional both in Taiwan and in Western countries. The patients simply and pragmatically believe in the efficacy of the Chinese Medicine. The medical professional, especially Western Medicine trained physicians are mainly interested to know the scientific evidence of the Chinese medicine. However, there are almost no systematic studies of this issue. We h ave organized a new research team composed of epileptologists, Chinese Medicine physicians with additional qualification of neurologist with special interest in epileptology and neuroscientists with speciality of experimental epilepsy as pioneers in the research for the effect and mechanism of Chinese Medicine in the treatment of epilepsy. A systematic standardized test for the changes of seizure threshold in response to different kinds of experimental animal models will be applied for the evaluation of the
關鍵字:Epilepsy, Chinese Medicine, Chinese Herbal Mixture "Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan"