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CCMP87-RD-038 中醫脈診儀應用於鼻咽癌患者接受放射線治療全程之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



上述治療效果之差異性除了治療技術有關外,另一項重要因素就是不同病患間體質上的差異。目前對體質的研究為現代科學研究的瓶頸,中研院王唯工教授利用器官與相關動脈協同共振的原理,研發出『脈診儀』,藉探討器官功能強弱,以了解體質上的差異。因此? A本研究之目的,是希望藉由『脈診儀』來探討鼻咽癌患者接受放射線治療全程之『脈波』變化,藉以預測脈波與其治療效果,腫瘤復發轉移及放射線急慢性輻射反應及腫瘤消除等項目之相關性。本研究計劃收集50個可完整追蹤評估的鼻咽癌患者,於治療前中後期進行脈波、中醫辨證、輻? g反應及腫瘤消除的觀察,並了解統計學上的意義。


Longitudinal observation in NPC patients undergoing radiation therapy by Pulse Spectrum Analysis

I-Hsin Lin, M. D., Ph. D. 
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is one of the ten leading cancer in Taiwan, and usually occurs in the middle age of male (45~55 y/o). Therefore, the better control of this tumor becomes one of the major medical issues. Currently, radi otherapy is the best method to treat NPC. Although a fair result could be expected for the treatment of the early stage of NPC, most of the treatments for late stages of patients still are low in control rate. In additions, radiotherapy may induce some a cute or late complications which may bother patients and further interrupt the course of treatment. Unfortunately, there is no better prognostic factor exist to predict the tumor response for a treatment or to predict the complications of radiotherapy.

In the present study, we plan to combine the studies of Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Pattern and Spectrum Analysis of Human Pulse during and after the radiotherapy on NPC , and evaluate the acute and late complications as well as the tumor response to radi
關鍵字:Human Pulse , Nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) , Chinese Medicine