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CCMP87-RD-044 蛇床子指標成份之分離與蛇床子素作為抗陰道滴蟲製劑之初步探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本計劃將致力於蛇床子指標成分-蛇床子素(Osthole)的分離,儘管文獻上已有發表過,但其步驟煩瑣,產率不高,不符合經濟效益。在本計劃中擬提出快速分離的方法,並控制在4個步驟內取得高產率高純度之蛇床子素,並將對所得之蛇床子素進行UV,IR,1H-NMR, 13C-NMR,MASS和 X-ray 繞射等試驗,最後還將進行蛇床子素的原料安定性評估。 將固態及與三種溶媒所形成之溶液於室溫及55℃下之經時變化。由於有資料顯示南北蛇床子所含之成分組成並不相同,活性與毒性亦有差別,擬先對這兩種中藥材粉末及Osthole進行 X-ray 衍射圖譜量測,? 螫璆i以提供作藥物道地性研究的參考。

A Study on the Separation of the Indicating Component of Cnidii Fructus and a Preliminary Evaluation of Osthole as an Anti-trichomonas Vaginalis Preparation

Thau-Ming Cham 
Kaohsiung Medical College
The present investigation is the first year study of a proposed three-year project.The separation of Osthole from Cnidii Fructus is the main aim of the study. Besides, the crystal forms of Osthole will be determined by UV, IR, 1H-NMR , 13C-NMR, MASS and X-ray diffraction patterns respectively. The thermal stability of Osthole will also be studied at both ambient and elevated temperatures. For comparison study, X-ray diffraction patterns will be performed on Osthole and two Cnidii Fru ctus raw materials which are produced from different areas of the mainland China, and have been reported to give significant variations in the composition, activity as well as toxicity.
關鍵字:Cnidii Fructus, Osthole, 7-methoxy-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-coumarin