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CCMP87-RD-046 中藥材參考規格制定之研究 II

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

中藥材參考規格制定之研究 II


凡是法定中藥,一定要經過嚴格的品質與含量管制的檢驗及保證,始可達成,其中最重要且易於執行的方法是化學方法,只要確實保證藥材中之療效成分含量,即可發揮藥材本身的藥理特性。惟許多中藥材的化學成分尚不十分清楚,在這種況下,只有靠藥理方法之? 褌牷A才能突顯其特有的藥性效價。

法定規格乃規範中藥來源和用部以及它應有的力價、品質及純度的標準;即規定中藥有效成分之含量或其效價、夾雜物、灰分、水分及抽提物含量。本研究擬選擇三十種常用中藥材,以現代科學知識和技術進行研究並規範其規格,再經產、官、學界一致認可,把中? 臚~提高到現代科學水準的藥材。
關鍵字:中藥 單味藥材 法定規格

Tentative Establishment of official Rubric on Chinese Crude Drugs II

Wu. Wu-Lung 
National Defense Medical Center
China has a long history in the use of traditional Chinese medicine and, thus, had accumulated vast experience which has frequently involved conspicuous and unique effects on certain diseases, as well as generally little toxicity and undesired side-effects. Furthermore, owing to various geographical and ecological conditions, that nourish both the flora and medicinal plant resources.

It is more important to understand and evaluate the therapeutic effects of each drug by modern technology. Unfortunately, the traditional criteria of drug evaluation are still remained in relying on organoleptic examinations, such as shape, color, odor and taste which can easily give inaccurate informations. In order to meet the current necessity, research and development of Chinese crude drugs must be emphasized and upgraded.

The objective of this project is to establish the tentative official rubrics for assuring quality of the thirty selected crude drugs. The investigation of the quality on crude
關鍵字:Chinese traditional drugs, Chinese crude drug, Official rubric