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CCMP87-RD-056 推動兩岸中醫中藥學術交流:考察中醫復健作業

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本計畫為推動兩岸中醫中藥學術交流工作第二個第三年計畫,除依例進行中醫藥學者訪問,以增進學術交流外,並收集大陸中醫復建之作業內容,以作為我國中醫復建方面借鏡參考。連續上年度委託大陸國務院中藥管理局及山東醫科大學進行北京及山東兩地區抽樣? 晙d,對大陸地區居民中醫利用行為進行訪視問卷並收集就醫記錄之研究,以便與台灣地區居民中醫利用行為之比較,於期末提出本研究之書面報告。


Communication Project on Traditional Medicine Between Taiwan and China --The Application of Chinese Medicine on Rehabilitation

Jim-Shoung Lai 
China Medical College
The sixth-year project of the communication between Taiwan and China on traditional Chinese medicine have been implemented for its last year plan. The academic Chinese medicine persons in Taiwan and China will visit to each other as previous plan of last five years. We will mainly collect the operational details of the rehabilitation by traditional medicine in the year. The house-hold survey data which have been collected last year, will also be analyzed this year. The final rep ort of the whole six year project will also be handed to the Department of Health as a comment to other communication projects in the future.