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CCMP86-RD-002 中西醫治療骨折的動物實驗差異性評估:(III)家兔“天津模式”固定之骨癒合評估及臨床運用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



本計劃以“天津模式(Tianjian Method)”為固定方式作研究。目前全中國大陸應用最廣:即“天津醫院模式”,普遍運用於大陸或華人之骨折治療方式。簡言之,其固定方式,強調內在肌肉均衡,外在固定壓力平均,(相似於Sarmiento Brace 及Hinge Cast Brace等之理論。)

在此特別強調,西方骨折之文獻,未曾有類似傳統之中醫固定骨折方式;但不使用“一關節上,一關節下”之西醫固定觀念如Sarmiento Brace或Hinge Cast Brace來治療骨折,與中醫骨折固定方式,有異曲同工之效。

本計劃以中醫骨折固定方式與骨癒合相關性為主題探討,包括Semirigid Fixation或Rigid Fixation的固定方式。以西醫已有之研究方式及理論基礎,(如X-ray,組織學,臨床評估等),以“天津模式”固定和西醫方式不同之固定方式,但卻以兔子(NWZ)之相同動物來作類比、分析、評估;質言之,我們要運用已知之西醫對骨折研究結果及已有之理論基礎,來作為解釋中醫方式之癒合時間,程度,...等之科學化分析。故用相同之家兔動物作中西醫治療之類比,對照,純為求取中醫科學化之價值,評估,或相對參考。

Study of Fracture-Fixation with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Clinical Application

The difference between the treatment of fracture with traditional Chinese medicine and west medicine methods were assessed. We used fractured tibio-fibula of rabbits as the experimental material. According to (a) histological sections (b) x-rays and (c) clinical physical exam. We compared the stages of bone healing treated with traditional Chinese medicine with those treated with west medicine method till bone healing.

Treatment of fracture with Chinese medicine includes manually closed reduction and fixation with board, cloth, cotton...etc. In orthopedics, we use plasters or surgery with metallic plates and screws as fixation methods. There have already been many references aimed at stages of bone healing treated with west medicine method. There are only few or even no references about fracture treatment with Chinese medicine method. This arouse us to design such an experiment.

We divided the rabbits into three groups:
Group 1: 
Treatment with traditional Chinese method (
關鍵字:Chinese traditional medicine, Fixation and union.