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CCMP86-RD-010 針刺足三里對動物腦部的Y型神經胜形成作用的研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


2.藉由同位素免疫測定法(RIA),定量上述三種老鼠的腦部控制食慾部位(下視丘)之「Y 型神經胜(NPY)」;比較針灸與否的含量變化。 
3.經由電泳的北方顯影(Northern blotting),取上述三種老鼠的腦部來分出下視丘部位,抽取內有的RNA,與NPY的cDNA探針(probe)進行雜交(hybridization)。然後,比較顯現的影像與β-action的比例(ratio);評估針灸足三里與否的mRNA活性變化。 


Effect of acupuncture on the mRNA of neuroprptide Y(NPY) in rates

Stimulation of Zusanli point by acupuncture can modulate the gastroenteric function and it has been applied in traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. The present proposal is designed to know the role of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in this Stimulation of Zusanli. Rats receive the electroacupuncture inserted in Zusanli point will be employed to investigate the changes of intestinal transit activity and the contents of NPY-immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus by comparison with sham-treated control. Then, the biosynthesis of NPY will be characterized using Northern blotting analysis of mRNA levels. Differences between rats receiving Zusanli stimulation and sham-treated rats will be discussed in an attempt to understand the participation of NPY. The obtained results may help the understanding of possible mechanisms responsible for an increase of intestinal mobility by acupuncture at Zusanli point.
