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CCMP86-RD-014 探討川芎有效成份之一tetramethylpyrazine於心肌缺血及再循環時的保護作用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


心室性心律不整(ventricular arrhythmia)常是缺血性心臟疾病如:心肌梗塞致死的重要因素。近年來研究報告顯示:心肌缺血狀態下之心肌會釋放一些保護性物質,其中包括:intricoxide,調整冠狀血流,增加心肌氧氣的供給,改善心室性心律不整。本實驗所探討的藥物:tetrame thylpyrazine(TMP)為中藥′川芎′(Ligustici wallichii)中之有效成份,目前初步之研究成果發現:離體心臟實驗中TMP可對缺血的心臟具保護作用,因此本計劃之實驗目的:欲以活體大白鼠左冠狀動脈結紮方式誘發心律不整,藉以探討TMP之抗心律不整作用,進一步探討TMP是否可降低? A循環損傷造成之梗塞壞死面積,並測量TMP造成之血流動力參數(blood pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output 及peripheral resistance)等之變化。同時與臨床已知之抗心律不整藥物如lidocaine, diltilzam作一比較,以評估TMP之治療效果。
關鍵字:川芎 心肌缺血 再循環損傷

The effect of tetramethylpyrazine on myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury

It has been shown that tetramethylpyrazine(TMP), a active component isolated from the rhizomes of Ligustici wallichii, could reduce the severity of ventricular arrhythmias and reperfusion injury in isolated heart preparations (in vitro). On the basis of this finding, we evaluate the cardioprotective effect of TMP in vivo, and compare it with lidocaine and diltilzam. The myocardial ischemia is induced by left coronary artery occlusion in Sprague-Dawley rats. The effect of TMP on ventricular arrhythmias are observed during 30 min ischemic period. On the other hand, to assess the efficacy of TMP against reperfusion injury, rats are underwent 45 min of left coronary artery occlusion and 1 h reperfusion.

關鍵字:TMP, myocardial ischemia, reperfusion injury