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CCMP86-RD-015 中藥藥理之研究:十種止喘中藥之藥理評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


目前已知有大部分之醫用藥物是作用在細胞內或細胞膜上之特別藥物接受器(receptor)來影響或改變生理功能。相似地,廣為國人使用之中藥其有效成份亦可能經由某類藥物接受器來產生作用。有關中藥藥理作用之研究,除以科學之研究實驗方法來證實中國醫藥典籍所列之療效或藥理作用外,可能的話亦應找出其作用之機轉及主要作用之成份。因此本計畫(三年計畫)之目的為以本實驗室幾年來所建立之藥物接受器評估模式來篩檢及評估中藥水抽提物是否有作用至這些接受器之成份,並配合高壓液相層析法(HPLC)對水抽提物做初步分離及評估,以比對有作用之成份是否為已知之主成份。另外,就該水抽提物作用之接受器而選用相片之藥效評估法(如在離體器官、整體動物之藥理活性)來評估其藥理作用,以期對中藥藥理作用機轉有深一層之了解,並有助於由中藥發現有效之成份,進而提供是否值得進一步研發之資訊。第一年(86年度)擬評估有止喘作用如苦參等10種中藥,主要著重在呼吸道平滑肌之L型鈣離子通道及muscarinic、histamine H1、β- adrenoceptores等藥物接受器上,並以天竺鼠之離體氣管或肺臟條標本來做藥效評估。

Pharmacological studies of Chinese herbal drugs: Pharmacological evaluation of ten anti-asthmatic Chinese herbal drugs

It is well known that the pharmacological effects of a lot of therapeutic drugs are elicited by acting on various receptors on the cell membrane or inside the cell. By analogy, the same mechanism of action may apply to many bioactive principles of Chinese drugs. In the study of pharmacological actions of Chinese drugs, it is anticipated that the therapeutic effects or pharmacological effects of Chinese drugs in the Chinese medicine literature should be confirmed or proved by the scientific experimental means and, if it is possible, the action mechanisms or the active principle(s) should be found out. Therefore, the aim of the present 3-year project is to screen and evaluate whether the water extracts from Chinese drugs contain the principle(s) acting on a variety of receptors by using the receptor binding assays established in our laboratory recently. In combined with the use of HPLC, the water extract is separated and the isolated fractions are evaluated whether the receptor-active pr
關鍵字:Chinese Drug、Receptor Binding Assay、Anti-Asthmatic Action