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CCMP86-RD-020 以大黃素(Emodine)調控細胞中DNA修補酵素活性及其組織特異性之超微粒製劑在抗肝細胞腫瘤上的應用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


癌細胞的發生係導因於細胞基因之突變,其中抑癌基因(Tumor Supressor Genes)能抑制細胞之過度生長,因此在抑制細胞癌化(Carcinogenesis)機轉上具有重要角色。倘若抑癌基因及致癌基因原(Proto-oncogens)所在之染色體DNA序列發生點變異(Point mutation)、嵌入(Insertion)? 峊9?Deletion)作用,則將啟動細胞之致癌基因而造成癌症。目前在許多癌細胞中,例如肝癌、肺癌、膀胱癌、乳癌及胰臟癌均可發現細胞染色體DNA及抑癌基因有變異現象,因此細胞DNA變異是造成細胞癌化的直接因素。正常細胞具有自動修補DNA變異的能力,這些DNA修補酵素穿梭染色? 擗仁鉬{識DNA變異處而將該變異點或段移去並修補入正確的DNA序列,因此具有預防細胞癌化的功能。

目前利用中、西藥物治療癌症主要以毒殺癌細胞為主,但是會毒殺癌細胞之藥物往往對正常細胞亦造成傷害,最常見的是造成血小板及白血球急速降低,這是目前癌症治療上的最大困擾。因此如果能藉由藥物強化細胞中DNA修補系統,則不僅不影響正常細胞的功能,對於癌症更將提供? @新的治療與預防的效果,比起傳統治療方法,僅以藥物毒殺癌細胞同時亦造成正常細胞之傷害更具有意義。

大黃素(Emodine)已經由國內外學者報告具有抗腫瘤及抗突變的作用,但其機轉尚不清楚;另一方面,藥劑學上之超微粒子(Nanosphere)具有組織及器官的特異性,特定大小的含藥粒子能經由血流送至特定的器官,細胞再經由吞噬作(Phagocytosis)將藥物送入細胞中而達到治療的效果? C因此本計畫將探討:(1)Emodine對細胞中DNA修補系統的影響及其抗腫瘤之機轉,(2)以Emodine超微粒製劑應用於人類肝癌細胞株,以研究該藥物在治療癌症上的潛力。


Roles of emodine in the regulation of DNA repair enzymes in cells and the application of tissue-specific nanosphere preparation in the therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is a predominant malignancy in Taiwan. To date, the clinical treatments for HCC by chemotherapy did not improve the mortality of HCC patients. Administration of chemotherapic medicines can inhibit the growth of HCC cell, but it also injures the normal cells. The turmorgenesis is resulted from the DNA mutation in cells. It goes almost without saying that it is necessary to make changes in gene expression in order to convert a cell to the transformed phenotype. The tumor suppresser genes (p53 and Rb) were important in controlling cell-cycles and could prevent the development of tumors. They become oncogenic regulators when p53 and Rb were mutated and lost of heterozygosity, respectively. The DNA mutations in genes might be correlate with the tumorgenecity. The DNA reparative enzymes exhibit in cells for the automatic reconstruction of mutated sequences and is important in preventing the carcinogenesis of cells. Therefore, study of the regulation of DNA repar
關鍵字:DNA repair; emodine nanophere; anti-carcinogensis