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CCMP86-RD-022 中藥材抗自由基能力之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

Studies on anti-free radical activities of Chinese medicine

It has been demostrated that many kinds of Chinese medicine could be good for health and prolong the life span of human. In our study, we will focus on why the Chinese medicine has the anti-aging effect.

According to previous research, the anti-aging process and the disease development have close relation to the free radicals reaction in body. The imbalance of metabolism would cause the large amount of free radical production, and the free radicals would damage the cellular machinery, including nucleic acid, lipid and protein, it can attact the chemical structure of cellular constituent in different ways, and damage the morphology of tissue and the integrity of physiological function, so the aging process happens. However, the SOD can prevent the damage from free radicals, and some data has been shown that the activity of SOD did have reverse relation to the degree of aging. Therefore, the decreasing concentration of free radicals and the increasing activity of SOD could be an i
關鍵字:Chinese medicine, free radical, chemiluminescence