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CCMP86-RD-024 中藥黃芩素延長移植心臟存活期的研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


利用重約200-300克的純種雄性大鼠做心臟移植,以Brown-Norway大鼠做心臟接受者,以 Brown-Norway和Lewis交配之第一子代做心臟捐贈者。實驗組在術前一天開始每天肌肉注射中藥黃芩素,對照組自術前一天開始每天肌肉注射同容積的生理食鹽水,直到移植心臟停止跳動為止。此時將犧牲大鼠,取下移植心臟做病理學檢查證實急性排斥的存在,同時取下肝臟,腎臟等器官? 粟f理學檢查,檢視有無器官傷害並抽血檢查血球及測量肝功能,腎機能等生化檢查以及新喋呤的變化。


Prolongation of cardiac allograft by baicalein

Male inbred rats weighing 200-300 grams will be used for study. Brown-Norway(BN) rats will be used as recipients, with (Lewis x BN) F1 rats as donors. Abdominal heterotopic heart transplantation will be performed with microsurgical technique. In the experiment group, the intramuscular injection of baicalein will be started one day before transplantation and then continued until rejection while transplanted heart stops beating. The survival time will be recorded. The rat will be sacrificed for histological check-up and biochemical examination, when the allograft stops beating. In the control group, the same amount of normal saline will be injected intramuscularly in stead of baicalein for the same period. Then the rat will be sacrificed for histological check-up and biochemical examination.

關鍵字:Baicalein、Heart Transplantation、Rejection