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CCMP86-RD-026 甘麥大棗湯對大鼠抗焦慮作用之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


焦慮為現今社會及醫療上常見之精神性疾病,臨床上常以抗焦慮藥物治療之;現今常用之藥物如Diazepam,Buspirone,不僅具抗焦慮作用,更有鎮靜及抗痙攣作用,但在使用上均有嚴重之副作用而受限。在中醫臨床上,甘麥大棗湯為最常用於治療臟燥之方劑,首載於《金匱要略.婦人雜病脈症并論》,該方由炙甘草、浮小麥及大棗等三味藥所組成,主治「婦人臟燥。症見精神恍惚,悲傷欲哭,不能自主,呵欠頻發或失眠盜汗」;現今藥理學研究已證實甘麥大棗湯具鎮靜及抗痙孿作用,且經我們初步以焦慮實驗模式(雙向主動迴避式反應)進行之預試驗中,甘麥大棗湯可減少條件迴避反應次數,顯示有抗焦慮作用。現今之抗焦慮藥物如:benzodiazepines類藥物,均具鎮靜、抗痙攣及抗焦慮之作用。因此,更值得我們進一步來探討甘麥大棗湯除鎮靜及抗痙攣作用外,是否有抗焦慮之作用。本研究擬採雙向主動迴避式反應(Two-way active avoidance)及上升性十字型迷宮(Elevated plus-maze)之焦慮模式,來探討甘麥大棗湯之藥效,並以diazepam、 buspirone為正對照組。


Title:Anxiolytic effects of Kan-Mai-Ta-Taso-Tang in rats

Anxiety is a common psychotic disease in recent society and many clinical diseases. In clinical treatment, phisicians ususally use anxiolytic drugs such as diazepam and buspirone. These drugs have anxiolytic, sedative and anticovulsant effects mainly related to dosage treatment. However, these drugs produce many serious side effects. So, we attempt to search new anxiolytic drugs from Chinese herbs or prescriptions. Kan-Mai-Ta-Taso-Tang is a most common Chinese Prescriptions used to cure insomnia and mania by traditional phisicians. It firstly was described in "Chin-Kuei-Yao-Lueh" and composed of Glycyrrhiza Rhizoma, Triticum Seed and Zizyphus Fruit. In the modern pharmacologic studies, Kan-Mai-Ta-Taso-Tang has sedative and anticovulsive effects. In our prelimary studies, Kan-Mai-Ta-Taso-Tang decreases avoidance scorces in two-way active avoidance task. Therefore, we attemp to invetigate the anxiolytic effects of Kan-Mai-Ta-Taso-Tang by means of two-way active avoidance and elevated pl
關鍵字:Kan-Mai-Ta-Taso-Tang, Two-way active avoidance, elevated plus-maze