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CCMP86-RD-030 當歸補血湯對缺血性沙鼠被動迴避學習反應障礙之影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06




又Nabeshima研究證實阻塞雙側頸動脈可產生腦部缺血,於阻塞後第二天,會產生被動迴避學習反應障礙,主要是因為海馬回CA1區神經元損害,甚至死亡或運動量增加所致;於阻塞後第十天,亦會產生被動迴避學習反應障礙,主要與海馬回CA1區神經元損害有關。因此本研究擬以被動迴避儀(passive avoidance task)來探討當歸補血湯對缺血性沙鼠學習記憶障礙之作用,並以自發運動量測定儀測定缺血性沙鼠的運動量,以探討運動量變化是否影響被動迴避學習反應,以找尋對缺血引起之學習記憶障礙有改善作用的方劑,提供瘀血性痴呆症患者其他可改善學習記憶障礙的新藥物。

Effects of Tang-Kuei-Pu-Hsueh-Tangs on the impairment of passive avoidance learning in gerbils exposed to cransient cerebral ischemia

Tang-Kuei-Pu-Hsueh-Tang(abbreviated as TKPHT) was first described in the Nei-Wai-Shang-Pien-Huo-Lun which was edited by Tung-Yuan, Lee. TKPHT was made up of Astrgalus Radix and Angelicae Rhizome, and regulated blood function, facilitated blood circulation and dissolved clotted blood. It also improved the impairment of blood circulation and abnormal blood varicosity. Therefore, it may also improve the impairment of blood circulation and barin metabolism activity in dementia patients.

Neuron in the central nervous system are vulnerable to ischemia. During cerebral ischemia, abrupt loss of neurological function occurs. If it is serious, lead to death. This neurological dysfunction is naturally reflected in the deterioration of behavioral performance and memory function. Pulsinelli and Brierley have introduced a method for producing cerebral ischeiai in unanesthetized rats by temperarily occluding the common carotid arteries and permantly interrupting the vertebral arteries. Althoug