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CCMP86-RD-035 中藥基準方製劑品管規格之制定研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



行政院衛生署為求減少上述同方名之差異,近年來進行中藥基準方之訂定,並已公告 100個基準方,希業者持有該等方劑許可証者於八十六年八月三十一日以前辦理變更。為了解基準方之濃縮製劑其浸膏率,以及各品管項目,包括乾燥減重、總灰分、酸不溶性灰分、水抽提物、稀醇抽提物等之分佈範圍,以作為嗣後基準方製劑品管審核之參考依據。擬透過中藥濃縮製劑業者提供即將依基準方試製之產品指導其測試各品管項目,實施前並對廠商實施精準度測試;以及本局自行依基準方組成與分量試製產品,測試各品管項目。綜合本局與廠商之數據統計分析,探討各項品管項目之範圍,供作嗣後查驗登記之審核內規。


Study on the criteria of the quality control items in the unified formula of traditional Chinese Medicines

In this study, 20 formulated prescriptions of the traditional Chinese medicines prepared by 15-20 pharmaceutical factories and 3 lots of home-made by National Laboratories of Foods amd Drugs will be collected. The items of loss on drying, total ash, acid-insoble ash, water-extract and ethanol-soluble extract of products mentioned above will be determined. The data will be analysed by t-test. According to the results of data, the distributin range for each item of 20 formulated prescriptions will be suggested. The distribution ranges of each item mentioned above will be provided for products approval.

關鍵字:Traditional Chinese medicine, Uniform formula, Quality control