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CCMP86-RD-044 台灣龜板市場品之基原及DNA PCR鑑定研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

台灣龜板市場品之基原及DNA PCR鑑定研究






Study on the origin and DNA PCR Identification of Carapax Testudinis in the Taiwan Market

With centries-old of history, the Traditional Chinese Medicine has envolved with Chinese culture, Tradition and society. This community with centries-old tradition is a closed world. It is very difficult to conduct any investigation research among these closed group of people.

In recent years, the endangered species animal-based medicinal drugs have received great attention amoung international media. Some facts distorted by the international enviromental group, and invoked the Pelly Amendment from the United States. After rhino horn, tiger bone and bear gallbladder, the following criticism targets are Carapax Testudinis, Nidus Collocaliae, Moschus, etc. Thailand, the main exporter of Carpanax Testudinis, ban to export it under conservation.

In 1990-1993, when the international wildlife conservation organization accused Taiwan for rhino horn and tiger bone, because we had no any papers for rhino horn and tiger bone, many incorrected statistics and informations from the co