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CCMP86-RD-049 中醫望診系統:彩色舌診影像系統之研發

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



在第一年主要是建立系統的架構及雛形之評估,以兩部CCD彩色攝影機,規畫與製作立體影像的取像架構,將收集的病症舌診特徵資料與擷取的彩色立體舌影像,用影像處理技術加以辨識,完成中醫舌診影像辨識方法。而第二年將與中國醫藥學院附設醫院配合,將西醫內視鏡檢查出患? 酗W消化道病症患者的舌影像,做中醫舌診特徵辨識與分析,並將中醫舌診辨識方法與資料庫系統結合,做上消化道疾病臨床的測試與系統的評估與改進。本計畫期望能成為中醫臨床診斷的依據,協助中醫師臨床診斷的參考,也有助於中醫舌診資料的保存。


Development of color tongue viewing diagnosis system for Chinese medicine

Tongue diagnosis is one of most important method in traditional Chinese medicine. The aim of this proposal is to develop a computerized system to help the tongue diagnosis with the assistant of digital image processing techinques.

Image acquisition, feature generation, pattern recognition and clinical evaluation are four major steps in this project. Two CCD color cameras will be mounted on designed structure to obtained a stereo color image from the patient tongue. The features of substance and coating of tongue will be generated by applying digital image processing techniques. By selecting served features, different categories of tongues pattern can be classified and served as reference data in further diagnosis. Later, a database can be built by collecting enough tongues images from patients. The computerized diagnosis system will be completed after the evaluation done by group of Chinese medicine doctors.

The advances made under this project will help physicians appl
關鍵字:Tongue diagnosis, stereo imaging, computerized processing techniques