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CCMP86-RD-051 利用影像處理技術對舌苔性狀作定量分析之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


舌象乃是中醫師於診斷病情的重要資訊之一,但是到目前為止,舌診不易以客觀標準觀察,其診斷的正確率往往取決於醫師的主觀經驗及當時所在環境的各種因素,如患者姿勢不良時難以取得正確之觀察,醫師觀察順序不當時難收迅速且全面之效果,光線控制不良時易使舌色生變,以及光源之選擇標準不一等;除此之外,醫師寶貴的臨床經驗亦不易保留下來。本研究的目的即在於使用高解析度彩色攝影系統記錄儲存舌影像,供未來研究及醫學教學使用,並將舌象特性量化,藉以提供客觀的診斷標準,並結合醫師的臨床觀察,對舌象作定性及定量分析,以便探討中醫理論之舌與臟腑的關係,其中包括判斷正氣的盛衰,辨別病位之深淺,區別病邪之性質及推測病狀之進退,達到診斷之客觀化及定量化的目標,相信對中醫之基礎理論研究將有十分正面的價值及影響。為將舌象特性量化,我們提出一種新型的舌象辨識法則,此法則乃基於舌體影像的顏色及空間紋理特性,將舌診中的重要舌象性質加以量化,這些性質是舌苔的厚薄以及是否有膩苔、腐苔存在。在本研究中,我們在顏色的判斷方面採用HSL顏色模型(亦即色度、飽和度及亮度),而舌苔的厚薄是以舌質及舌苔的色差程度加以判斷,又舌苔的性狀如腐苔及膩苔則以灰階相依矩陣所導? X的特徵參數及對舌影像取傅利葉轉換後之頻域特徵值加以量化。


The study of quantitative analysis for textural properties of tongues using image    processing techniques

The principles of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis are based on the information obtained from four diagnostic processes, which are viewing, learning, inquiring, and examining. Among those diagnostic processes mentioned above, the examination of tongue is one of the most important approaches for getting significant evidences in diagnosing the patients health conditions. Tongue diagnosis is obtained by observing certain properties on the substance and coating of tongue. The substance of tongue can be characterized by color, luster, shape, and movement. The coating can be distinguished by certain textural properties. However, in past, the correctness of tongue diagnosis was affected by the experience and knowledge of the doctors who adopted the traditional Chinese medical diagnosis. Also, environmental factors such as the difference of light sources and brightness had great influence to the doctors in making good diagnostic results through tongue. The goal of this research is to dev
關鍵字:tongue, substance, coating