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CCMP86-RD-055 以中醫穴診儀應用於上消化道出血之觀察

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06






The Observation and research of the Electrodermal Screening Device in the    ugi bleeding

Numerous studies have shown that meridian areas of the skin surface exhibit higher conductance and less polarization than neighboring areas. Meridian areas are also likely to exhibit a preferential direction for signal movement in which signals dissipate less and propagate faster, suggesting that the meridian system functions as a bio-informational communication network.

Acupuncture points, location along the meridians, capable of providing data as to the functioning state of specific organ and body system. An electrodermal screening device designed with the same principles as Dr. Volls is a non-invasive instrument to measure the skins electrical activity for climical diagnosis at designated acupuncture points. Through the indicator drop which represents the disturbance of the equilibrium at acupuncture points, electrodermal screening device can be utilized for accessing information about the bioelectric dynamic status of the internal organs and systems.

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關鍵字:Electrodermal Screening Device, Chinese Medicine, Bioenergy Measurement