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CCMP86-RD-001 比較停經後婦女接受中藥治療或雌激素治療,其更年期症狀血脂肪及骨質密度之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-04-25


婦女在停經後由於女性荷爾蒙的缺乏,直接產生的問題主要有三:其一為更年期症候群的出現;其二為脂肪代謝的改變,造成心臟血管疾病的增加;其三為骨質大量流失而有骨質疏鬆症之虞。 本研究即在了解正常停經年齡之40到60歲婦女其更年期症候群出現狀況,脂肪代謝以及骨質密度之情形, 同時經由助理,藉心理症狀量表 (SCL-90-R),了解臺灣地區停經後婦女之生活壓力、身心症狀及對自我影像之看法。




Surveillance of climacteric symptoms lipid profile and bone density in women receiving Chininese medicine or estrogen replacement therapy

Nowadays, the health care of the menopausal women has become an important issue as the averaged female life expectancy prolonged to around 78 to 80 years old Menopause or the cessation of the menstrual cycles in women results from natural ovarian failure. There is no more follicular maturation as well as dimished ovarian sex steroids generation. Both early symptoms such as hot flush, sweating, insomnia and late sequela of osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems develop thereafter. Studies have shown that most of those menopausal symptoms can be improved using estrogen replacement therapy. However, there are some discomforts in using setrogen and the risk of increasing or even decresing the incidence of malignancy during this regime has not been clarified.

In this study, we are going to evaluate the effect of traditional Chinese medicine, Two Immortal Decoctin, Tan-Zhi Free Wander Powder, on menopausal women. Their effects on the climacteric symptoms, lipid profiles, and bone mi