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CCMP102-RD-014 中藥材含農藥之背景值調查

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14

陳景川 美和科技大學 

研究目的 為能保障我國國民取食中藥材安全,同時不影響國際貿易,本計劃目的為調查市面上十五種之中藥材的農藥,每種藥材樣本數至少20件以上,總共300件樣品。 研究方法 依公告「食品中殘留農藥檢驗方法-多重殘留分析方法(三)、(四)」檢驗公告之農藥項目 (含有機氯劑農藥檢測)進行分析,檢測結果並與國際標準進行比對。提供制定常用為食品使用之中藥材農藥殘留安全容許量,以作為安全把關標準。 結果與討論 1. 西洋參及枸杞子檢出有值的農藥種類最多,檢出有9種不同的農藥有值。其次是人參及蒼朮,檢出有6種不同的農藥有值。黃芩,白芷,玄參,天花粉粉等4種藥材在目前樣品中並未檢出目前公告252種農藥的任一種農藥。 2. 枸杞子農藥檢出有值件數百分比最高,有95%樣品被檢出農藥。其次為人參60%,西洋參50%,麥門冬及蒼朮35%,白朮30%,縮砂仁20%,桔梗10%,丹參,杜仲,薏苡仁,皆為5%,黃芩,白芷,玄參,天花粉粉等4種藥材農藥檢出件數為0%。 3. 建議未來能有更多藥食兩用中藥的國民膳食調查研究。有完整攝取量的研究調查資料,對於中藥中農藥風險評估才能有較完整而正確的數據。 


Multiresidue Pesticide Analysis of Chinese Herbal Medicines and Botanicals Jin Chuan Chen Meiho University Aim: This project will analyze pesticide contents of 15 types of Chinese herbal medicines and botanicals. Each type of herbal medicines and botanicals will have at least 20 samples from different sources. Method: The TFDA official method for food pesticide analysis multiresidue pesticide analysis method (III) and (IV) will adopted for the present project. The pesticide value detected in the project will serve a basis for Taiwan government to set up maximum residue values in Chinese herbal medicines and botanicals. Results & Discussion: 1. Panax quinquefolium and gojiberry had the most number of type pesticides detectable, i.e. 9. Followed by Panax ginsengand and Atractylodes lancea, 6. Scutellaria baicalnsis Geprgi,Angelica dahurica,Scrophularia ningpoensis and Radix Trichosanthis had no detectable pesticides in the present study. 2. There were 95 % of gojiberry samples with detectable pesticide residues. Followed by Panax ginseng 60%,Panax quinquefolium 50%,Ophiopogonis and Atractylodes lancea 35%,Atractylodes macrocephala 30%,Fructus Amomi Xanthioidis 20%,Platycodon grandiflorus 10%,Salvia miltiorrhiza,Eucommia ulmoides and Coix lacryma-jobi 5%,Scutellaria baicalnsis Geprgi,Angelica dahurica,Scrophularia ningpoensis and Radix Trichosanthis 0%。 3. There should be more dietary intake survey for Chninese herbal medicines that served as food ingredients. These studies could provide more accurate pesticide exposure model.