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CCMP92-RD- 042 過敏性鼻炎患者中醫體質類型與基因及蛋白質表現之相關性研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-23
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



The Study of the Relationship between Gene and Protein Expression and the Chinese Medical Constitutional Types in the Patients of Allergic Rhinitis-Role of cytokines

Song-Kun Shyue
Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica
In Chinese medicine, the patients constitutional types are classified according to their manifestation in disease circumstances, and different types of Chinese herbs are used to treat the patients by correcting the unbalanced status of body. In recent years, instead of the method of studying single gene, many molecular biological information and techniques provide very good methods to analyze the whole expression of the cell. The method to investigate the expression of large quantities of gene and the Chinese medical diagnostic method have similarity that they make use of the characteristics of individual for diagnosis. During year 92 and 93, we have performed a clinical trial and about 164 allergic rhinitis patients were recruited and finished the trial. The patients were grouped randomly into 2 groups, and each took the "cold" and "hot" Chinese medical remedy for 2 months respectively. The constitutional type of each patient was measured by a questionnaire. In order to know the gene related to "cold" and "hot" constitutional types, we used 2D-gel protein analysis to study the proteins variation between different constitutional types, and before and after taking medicines. We have identified three proteins which are strongly related to the "cold" and "hot" remedies taking.
關鍵字:constitutional type;protein expression;cytokine;chemokine