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CCMP95-RD-039-1 中藥材輻射滅菌劑量對指標成分及療效之影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-15
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥材在儲存過程中易吸濕氣,利於微生物及倉儲昆蟲之生長,除破壞藥材之成分外,也可能產生有毒物質。近年來世界各國對中草藥及食物含菌量之要求也越趨嚴格。輻射滅菌在歐美已進行多年,國內清華大學及核能研究所近年積極從事中藥輻射滅菌之研究,唯大都偏於有效滅菌之輻射劑量探討。本計畫從總計畫所選定之十種中藥藥材中,第一年選取白芍及黃芩2種藥材,第二年選取陳皮、川芎、丹參及山楂等4種藥材,除進行正常有效滅菌之10 kGy劑量照射外,也進行20 kGy, 40 kGy甚至50 kGy高劑量之加馬射線照射,並比較其照射前後有效指標成分含量之變化。除HPLC分析比較指標成分含量變化外,第一年也將白芍及黃芩2種藥材,第二年選擇陳皮、川芎、丹參及山楂等4種藥材,經不同劑量(10 kGy, 20 kGy , 40 kGy甚至50 kGy)加馬射線照射後,其抗氧化活性差異之比較。由以上化學分析及藥理活性比較結果,可進一步提供主管機關推動中藥輻射滅菌政策之參考,並加強中藥從業人員及一般民眾對輻射滅菌之信心。完整可行之參考規格。

The effects of gamma irradiation for microbial decontamination on the marker constituents and their biological activites

Chang, Yuan Shiun
China Medical University
Chinese herbs tend to absorb humidity during preservation, which provides a favorable environment for microorganisms and storehouse insects. Besides damaging the components of these Chinese herbs, toxic materials may be produced. During recent years, many countries have been enforcing strict regulations concerning the number of bacteria in food and in botanical drugs. The technique of gamma irradiation on microbial decontamination has been widely used in western countries for several years. In Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University and the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research have performed several researches on the related topic, mostly on the effective dose of gamma irradiation. This program will select from ten Chinese herbs from the primary program. For the first year, Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Scutellariae are chosen. For the second year, the chosen herbs are Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, and Fructus Crataegi. These herbs will each be exposed to the normal effective dose of gamma irradiation, which is 10 kGy. Higher doses such as 20kGy, 40kGy, and 50kGy will also be tested.
關鍵字:gamma irradiation;high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC);marker constituents;anti-oxidation