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CCMP95-RD-040-1 中藥從業人員中藥材輻射滅菌教育講習

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-15
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥材在儲存過程中易吸溼氣,利於微生物及倉儲昆蟲之生長,除破壞藥材成分外,也可能產生有毒物質。近年來全世界各國對中草藥及食物含菌量之要求也愈趨嚴格。輻射滅菌在歐美已進行多年,為評估輻射滅菌對中藥藥材之影響,國內清華大學及核能研究所已進行多年研究,並證實大部分藥材在低劑量下(10 KGy)即可達滅菌之目的,且對藥材之成分沒有影響,為值得推動之ㄧ種有效方便之滅菌法。本計畫擬辦理北中南三場中藥用藥安全及輻射滅菌研討會,每場次200~250人,以中藥從業人員中草藥廠相關人員為對象,介紹原子能科技在生物醫學應用之現況與展望,除宣導中藥用藥安全之政策與方向外,將介紹中藥材之儲存條件及包裝材質之選定,對中藥藥材品質之影響,也介紹中藥材未滅菌前微生物污染可能之危害,並介紹國內外輻射滅菌之進展及應用,也介紹清華大學及核能研究所近年之中藥輻射滅菌之研究成果,減除中藥業者對輻射安全性之疑慮,使輻射滅菌之政策得以推動,增進提昇藥材之安全及品質。

Gamma irradiation on microbial decontamination training for Chinese herbs paractioners

Kaohsiung Chinese Herbal Apothecary Association
Chinese herbs tend to absorb humidity during preservation, which provides a favorable environment for microorganisms and storehouse insects. Besides damaging the components of these Chinese herbs, toxic materials may be produced. During recent years, many countries have been enforcing strict regulations concerning the number of bacteria in food and in botanical drugs. The technique of gamma irradiation on microbial decontamination has been widely used in western countries for several years. To evaluate the effects of gamma irradiation on Chinese herbs, National Tsing Hua University and the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research in Taiwan have performed years of research, and confirmed that most Chinese herbs, if in a low dosage (under 10KGy), can be successfully decontaminated with no effects on the constituents. Thus gamma irradiation is an effective and convenient method for microbial decontamination. This program aims to coordinate three symposiums on the safety of the usage of Chinese herbs and gamma irradiation on microbial decontamination, in the northern, central, and southern parts of Taiwan. Each symposium will hold 200 to 250 people, of which are mostly Chinese herbs paractioners and related personnel from Chinese herb manufacturers. The symposiums will introduce the function and the prospect of nuclear energy technology in biomedicine.
關鍵字:gamma irradiation;Chinese herbs paractioners;symposium