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CCMP95-RD-043-1 台灣中醫診斷實證研究之回顧與前瞻

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


長庚大學 中醫診斷以望、聞、問、切四診為診斷方法及辨證論治之準則,多年來台灣中醫界結合現代科技,加強醫療服務,研發醫療儀器,發展完整診斷病歷紀錄,以便詳細觀察及診斷病患病情,探究病與證之特性,提升醫療品質,朝著「實證醫學」之境界邁進。雖然台灣中醫診斷研究已有豐碩成果,但似乎缺乏整合;故本研究擬將過去各界相關成果作一檢視和回顧,架構一溝通平台,同時提出前瞻性建議,做為台灣中醫診斷研究未來發展之有利基礎。本計劃預期達成下列目標: 1.彙整中醫藥委員會資助歷年相關中醫診斷標準及診療輔助儀器相關成果 2.建立台灣中醫診斷研究成果資料庫 3.各種中醫診斷輔助儀器及工具之數位檔案 4.中醫診斷研究人才資料庫、索引及通訊錄 5.參與2007年國際東洋醫學會之中醫診斷學術專題部份 


The Instrumentation for Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis in Taiwan

Chang Gung University
The diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine contain four aspects-inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and pulse feeling and palpation, which are also theoretical and practical principles. For years, Chinese medical practice in Taiwan has combined current technology and developing instruments to improve better service, offer more comprehensive diagnose and more detailed treatment. These movements make Chinese medicine toward a practical medical science. Although the diagnostic research of Chinese medicine in Taiwan has obtained great achievements, it seems to lack of integration. Therefore, this study would review relevant results in the past to build a communication platform, propose visionary suggestions and become a beneficial footstone for future development and research. The project is expected to meet the following objectives: 1.To collect annual diagnostic criteria sponsored by Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy commission and the results of assistant instruments. 2.To establish database for research in Chinese medical diagnoses. 3.To build digital files for various tools and instruments of Chinese medical diagnoses. 4.To compile brain bank, index and address book for Chinese medical practitioners and researchers. 5.To International Congress of Oriental Medicine (2007) for TCM diagnoses
關鍵字:traditional Chinese medicine;diagnosis;instrumentation