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CCMP95-RD-201-1 以系統生物學研究平台探討中草藥防治敗血症之病理生理與治療機轉-以靈芝為例,結合基因體學、蛋白質體學與生物資訊學之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


敗血症是因感染而引起免疫系統活化的複雜發炎反應,其高罹患率與高死亡率,一直是醫藥界棘手的難題,研發安全性高的防治藥物,實刻不容緩。長久以來,靈芝在傳統醫學上被視為滋補強壯、固本扶正的珍貴中草藥。研究報告指出,靈芝所含的特殊多醣體成分,可藉由增加抗體、誘導干擾素與增加免疫細胞,以強化免疫系統。我們先前的實驗結果顯示,靈芝萃取物也具有抑制細胞發炎的活性,這些活性物質具有高度的潛力可預防及治療敗血症。近年來,由於基因體學、蛋白質體學及生物資訊學相關研究的快速發展,使得疾病的研究,已從個別的病理標的,擴展為全面性的系統生物學探討。因此,我們希望藉由系統生物學的新研究觀點與新技術導入,用巨觀的角度,深入研究敗血症的病理機制以及靈芝的防治療效,並以此為例,建立中草藥防治敗血症的系統性鑑定平台。 綜言之,本計畫將利用系統生物學研究平台?結合高通量之基因體學、蛋白質體學及生物資訊學,並配合生物化學技術與病理藥理學分析,以細胞模型(包括:巨噬細胞、血管內皮細胞與平滑肌細胞等)與動物模型(包括:器官、血清等樣品),探討敗血症病程早、中、晚期之基因體與蛋白質體的全面性病理變化,並利用本研究群已研發之生物資訊學分析軟體,整合龐大的生物資料,建立敗血症基因體與蛋白質體鑑定指標之系統生物平台。進一步以Western blotting、qRT-PCR、siRNA及microRNA等實驗,驗證此系統生物平台的網絡建構,並建立特定的訊息傳遞或功能路徑為分析敗血症之鑑定標的。同時研究具有免疫調節活性的中草藥靈芝,其在防治敗血症之分子、細胞到活體動物各層面的系統性藥理機制。另可藉由微脂體包覆等技術,來提高靈芝活性成分的身體可用率,建立防治敗血症開發新藥的研究模式。 本計畫提供敗血症防治一個另人興奮的新研究方向,以實驗室現有的設備和專門技術,可以順利地進行更深入的研究,研發之系統生物研究平台模式,亦可作為其他疾病模式或新型中草藥物開發的借鏡。

Evaluation of Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Mechanisms of Herbal Medicines in the Prevention and Treatment of Sepsis by Systems Biology Research Plateform:Studies on Ganoderma Lucidum with a Combination of Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics

Guei-Jane Wang
National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine
Sepsis describes a complex clinical syndrome that results from a hosts inflammatory response to infection via activation of the innate immune system. This response involves a complex network of inflammatory mediators that is self-reinforcing. High incidence and mortality of sepsis are always thorny problems in medical field. A detailed understanding of the molecular basis of the pathophysiology of sepsis is needed in order to specifically block pro-inflammatory signaling. Effective and safe drugs are also urgent developed to prevent and treat sepsis. Ganoderma lucidum have been used as a tonic and a favorite remedy to promote health and longevity in Asia for thousands of years. It has immune regulation activity owing to containing efficacious polysaccharides, triterpenoids, adenosine and organic germanium etc. Our previous results shown the parital purified extracts of G. lucidum inhibited the activity and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in marine macrophage and vascular endothelial cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). G. lucidum also suppressed LPS-induced superoxide anion generation suggesting this herb may exert a therapeutic effect against inflammation via iNOS-mediated NO overproduction. Our data also shown G. lucidum enhanced immune responses against endotoxin, indicating this herb has great potential to regulate the inflammation-mediated diseases, i.e. sepsis.
關鍵字:systems biology;genomics;proteomics;bioinformatics;sepsis;Ganoderma lucidum;new drug development