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CCMP95-TP-012-1 中草藥標準品(ferulic acid、ligustilide)之研究與開發及檢驗技術之研究(二)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-14
  • 更新時間:106-06-16

中草藥標準品(ferulic acid、ligustilide)之研究與開發及檢驗技術之研究(二)

當歸為繖形科植物Angelica sinensis(01iver)Diels的乾燥根,為重要的中藥材之ㄧ,做成製劑主要用於抗發炎、平喘、抗血栓、補血與保護肝臟等。為了推動中草藥標準品之研究與開發,開發各類檢驗方法以提供中草藥正確品種確認,本研究分別以正己烷與甲醇萃取經分離及純化出指標成分-藁本內酯(ligustilide),會呈交98%的指標成分藁本內酯(ligustilide)3克給行政院衛生署。當歸做成製劑時,因為藁本內酯(ligustilide)此種指標成分為易揮發物質,會因為時間和溫度的影響而降解消失,為了穩定品質,建立完善的標準,進而開發與制定中草藥當歸標準品之標準作業程序(sop),並執行安定性試驗,且制定其檢驗的標準作業程序(sop),以確保中草藥標準品的品質管控,進而促進中藥現代化。本計畫由行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會所委辦之「促進中草藥製備品質研究類」中之子計畫之ㄧ,本計畫之完成將可穩定中藥品質,建立完善標準,促進中藥現代化與國際化。

Research on the developmemt and the analysis of ferulic acid and ligustilide, the Chinese herbal standards

Liou, Shorong-Shii
Tajen University
Dang-Gui, the dried root of Angelica sinensis (Umbelliferae), is one of the important Chinese herbs. Formulations of Dang-Gui were used mainly for the treatment of inflammation, asthma, thrombosis, gynecopathy and live disorders. Ferulic acid and ligustilide are the marker constituents of Dang-Gui and are easily evaporated. Thus, the content of these marker constituents of Dang-Gui will be progressively decreased by time and temperature during the preparation. One policy of Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan (Taiwan, R.O.C.) is going to development and analysis of Chinese herbal standards to identify the cultivated variety as well as to standardize the quality control of Chinese herbs. Thus, the proposal was arranged according to the policy of Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, is going to purify two marker constituents of Dang-Gui, ligustilide, after isolating by ethane and methanol. In addition to estabalish the standard operating procedure as well as the process standard of Dang-Gui, the results of the plane will help in the quality control of Chinese herbs and promote the modernization of Chinese medicine.
關鍵字:Angelica sinensis;ligustilide;marker components