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CCMP97-RD-114 承接岐黃薪火 傳承台灣中醫衣缽(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16

承接岐黃薪火 傳承台灣中醫衣缽(2-2)

本研究計畫的名老中醫以”老中醫”及”名中醫” 兩種教師之診療經驗及獨到心得為教材,研究方法以質性研究的焦點團體研究法為主,輔之以部分的深度訪談,預期能引導名老中醫傳承中醫的使命感,將其學術源流,學習歷程、診療經驗,或獨到之心得,能做主觀的陳述。計劃執行以錄影及錄音方式記錄名老中醫的個人陳述及行醫經驗,並整理匯集為文後,得以保存台灣中醫藥寶貴的文化資產。

Inheriting the experiences from veteran practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine(2-2)

Jung-Nien Lai
Taiwan Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine of Family
Traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology is a great treasure house which is inheriting the experiences of veteran TCM practitioners from generations to generations. This study intends to collect the experiences of veteran TCM practitioners in their therapeutic principles for prevention and treatment of disease, rich clinical experience, and unique methods of diagnosis and treatment. Using digital technologies, we offer the best promise for the preservation of these precious data, for they give permanent storage, wide dissemination, and flexible access. 
In the past, the old code of TCM training has followed the way of experiential learning theory and apprentice system. The veteran TCM practitioners’ experience forms the basis of all their insights and knowledge of TCM. Then, they developed specific languages of TCM and then invented different mechanisms to propagate knowledge derived from their experience. However, the apprentice system was restricted by specific facilities and specific personnel such as stamina and time of master, traffic problem, and hardware support. Because of these limitations, the knowledge of veteran TCM doctors was never well propagated. The network is well developed in current Taiwan, and this technology offers us a new solution to storage our precious treasure of TCM knowledge from veteran TCM practitioners.
關鍵字:Treatment experience, inheriting, veteran practitioners, traditional Chinese medicine