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CCMP97-RD-106 睡眠障礙治療藥物與安神類科學中藥處方併用之副作用流行病學研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


有不少的文獻研究指出,安眠藥的使用會會影響駕駛能力以及增加交通意外的發生率,但是併用西藥安眠藥與中醫方藥中的安神類藥物其安全性如何? 對於交通事件的發生率是否會增加或是減少,到目前為止未有證據充足的流行病學研究。台灣由於健保給付中藥,而台灣地區民眾同時併用中西藥的情形也十分普遍。故本研究希望可以對西藥安眠藥與中藥安神類藥物併用模式,提供一些安全性的線索。
利用100萬健保抽樣歸人檔中住院記錄的診斷碼,找出交通事件相關的事件,並利用病例對照的方式(case-crossover study)進行分析不同西藥安眠藥以及中藥使用及併用模式下對於交通事件發生率的改變,藉此評估西藥安眠藥與中藥併用的安全性。

The pharmacoepidemiologic analysis of the potential drug-herb interaction between finished herbal products and conventional medicines used in the treatment of insomnia

Jung-Der Wang
Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University
Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder. As approximately estimated in the United States, one third of the adult population experienced insomnia at least once a year and ten percent of them were persistently afflicted with the problem, In Taiwan, people suffereing from insomnia accounted for one fourth of the totally population, according to the survey of Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine. 
Although hypnotics has been widely proved to improve insomnia, it is also found to increase the incidences of accident, including the traffic accidents caused by decreased driving ability and varied injureies associated with decreased concentration . Accordingly, the combined use of hypnotics and finished herbal products to treat insomnia with less traffic accidents was hypothesized to be a better option. However, the related pharmaco-epidemiologic evidences for such kind are lacking. The effective and safety information are especially important for Taiwan where the co-use of hypnotics and finished herbal products are common. This study aims to determine the potential interaction of finished herbal products and conventional medicines used in the treatment of insomnia, taking the incidences of traffic accidents and injuriers as outcome variables.
關鍵字:hypnotics , drug-herb interaction, traffic accident