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CCMP97-RD-047 太極拳對中老年人脈波頻譜之效應

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16




本研究擬以頻譜分析法(power spectral analysis)分析太極拳運動前後撓骨動脈的脈搏波訊號以及血液流體力學之變化。希望能得到各種撓骨動脈脈搏波訊號在時域與頻域上的參數,與血液流體力學的相關性,以探討太極拳運動如何影響其脈搏波的情形。這些參數若能證明確與血液流體力學變化有關,則可作為心血管功能的脈診診斷標準,提升脈診的診斷價值。同時也可以進一步探討太極拳運動對中老年人脈波頻譜及血液流體力學之影響及維持效果,為這種傳統運動建立科學的實證基礎,這是很值得深入探討的課題。

The effect of Tai Chi Chuan on the pulse spectrum in the elderly

Cheng-Deng Kuo
Department of Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
From the viewpoint of health promotion, exercise with persistence and regularity could delay aging, and decrease the morbidity of chronic diseases. In addition, it could also improve the metabolism of blood sugar and lipid. Tai Chi Chuan is a popular Oriental conditioning exercise that deserves further attention because of its low intensity, easy accessibility, low cost, and appropriateness for implementation in the community. Some reports have demonstrated that Tai Chi Chuan could maintain balance, decrease injuries, depress blood pressure and blood lipid, and improve the function of endocrine and immunity. Besides, it could reduce tension, depression, anxiety, and mood disturbance. Tai Chi Chuan is also beneficial to mental health as well as physiological function. 

The diagnostic method of pulse palpation has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The book ‘Shan Huan Luan’ pointed out that pulse diagnosis must be the combination of pulse feeling and syndrome identification. Pulse diagnosis was important in the identification of symptoms and signs. There are plenty of archives concerning the description of experience in this diagnostic method and the subjective description about the objective assessment of pulse palpation.
關鍵字:radial artery;pulse wave;spectrum analysis;Tai Chi Chuan