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CCMP97-RD-044 評估血府逐瘀湯併用血栓溶解劑rt-PA在大鼠自體血塊引發腦血管梗塞的加成效應

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16

為了中醫藥的使用在腦血管中風的臨床治療上能更為完備,且為國際所接受,本實驗室邀請美國約翰霍普金斯大學童瑞恭教授,協助建立最新的大鼠自體血塊引發缺血性中風模式(thromboembolic stroke model),此一動物模式更符合病患中風臨床治療時的狀況,為中風的治療提供更為完善的研究模式,利用此一模式研究中醫藥治療,將讓中醫治療更為人所接受;此次計畫將利用此一最新的動物腦血管中風模式,研究不同劑量血府逐瘀湯(500 mg, 1g/kg/day)併用臨床藥物血栓溶解劑rt-PA(10 mg/kg),觀察其對腦血管中風治療的加成效應,並評估數個中風相關指標確定其可能之分子機轉;透過這項研究相信能為血府逐瘀湯此一傳統中藥方劑在腦血管中風的治療上提出一個合理且科學化的依據。

Synergic effect of xue fu zhu yu tang and rt-PA in rat thromboembolic stroke model

Joen-Rong Sheu
Taipei medical university
Stroke is a main mortal cause of vascular diseases, and affects healthy critically. Pathological mechanisms of ischemic stroke were studied intensely, but did not have well therapy of ischemic stroke because it is unpredictable. Traditional Chinese medicine formula is used for stoke therapy clinically, but the studies of its effects and mechanisms are still uncompleted and unconvincing. The Chinese medicine therapy method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is used in stroke therapy widely. of Yilin Gaicuo is one of the therapy formulas of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The components of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang are dang gui, sheng di, tao ren, hong hua, zhi ke, chi shao, chai hu, gan cao, jie geng, chuan xiong, and niu xi. Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang is used in blood stasis syndrome widely; it has blood nourishing effect and also could promote blood circulation. 
We attempt to complete the clinical Chinese herbal therapy of stroke, and make this therapy be believable to the world. We invite Thomas JK Toung, professor from the John Hopkins University, to help our lab to establish the thromboembolic stroke model. This novel animal model is more similar to the conditions of stroke therapy, and it provides better experimental model.
關鍵字:stroke, Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, rt-PA, thromboembolic model