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  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


本研究將採一年期的研究,將針對中醫臨床常用中藥複方「疏經活血湯」,經紐西蘭白兔動物模式,研究不同濃度下服用中藥複方「疏經活血湯」對紐西蘭白兔凝血作用之影響,實驗同時有,對照組;單服西藥抗凝血劑「Warfarin」及同時併用西藥與中藥,分別檢測凝血作用之相關因子包括:partial thromboplastin(APTT);prothrombin time(PT)及thrombin time(TT),及檢測是否會因中西藥併用產生加成作用?


Under the national healthy insurance system, patients used Chinese medicine for the treatment of disease got more than past, meantime there were many patients got both western medicine and Chinese medicine at same time, as we found that there were about 18% of patients in Chung Gung Memorial Hospital got both treatment, so it was a big issue to avoid side effects of drug interaction.
As the clinical experiences, many patients got anticoagulant due to suffered cardiovascular diseased, weather it may prolong the bleeding time after combined with Chinese medicine was unknown, so we design a study in order to realize the interaction of anticoagulant and Chinese medicine.
In this study partial thrombopastin (APTT), prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT) will be checked under the treatment of each or both on “Shu-Jing-Hwo-Shiee-Tang” or “Warfarin” a common used of anticoagulant, besides, other formula of Chinese medicine IThe results of this study are beneficial for the clinical used of Chinese medicine and may avoid the side effects of drug interaction of western medicine and Chinese medicine.
關鍵字:drug interaction, anticoagulation, Warfarin