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CCMP97-RD-037 中醫傷科後續推拿手法可交由物理治療師(士)執行之可行性評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


中醫傷科後續推拿手法可交由物理治療師(士)執行之可行性評估黃蕙棻中國醫藥大學中醫學系 目前中醫醫療院所充斥著大量未具醫事人員資格的推拿人員,這些未具醫學背景的人員素質良莠不齊,除了威脅到民眾健康安全保障,也浪費了寶貴的健保資源。過去衛生署有鑒於中醫傷科輔助醫療的人力未有相關「教、考、用」的建制,曾在民國九十年規劃「中醫護理學」七科九學分,其中亦包括「中醫傷科護理學」但受限於傳統上護理人員以護理工作為主,以及體力負荷影響,較少執行推拿手法,尚無法承接此部分之作業人力。本計畫擬以問卷調查統計分析、醫病雙向田野調查訪談、以及邀集相關醫事(學)團體(如中醫師公會全國聯合會、中醫傷科醫學會、物理治療師(士)公會、護理師(士)公學會,暨學者專家、社會公信力團體代表(如消費者文教基金會、醫療改革基金會)……等,共同座談研商評估「物理治療師(士)於中醫師診治病人並執行示範推拿手法後,後續推拿處置,交由物理治療師(士)執行推拿處置的可行性」?並依據核心團體及學者專家的規劃舉辦三~四場示範講習會。

The evaluation on the availability of the post-manipulation practice by physical therapists in the department of the Chinese Orthopadics and Traumatology.

Huang Hui-fen
The association of Chinese traumatology of Republic of China
The evaluation on the availability of the post-manipulation practice by physical therapists in the department of the Chinese Orthopadics and Traumatology. Hui-Fen Huang Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Background: There are many assistants in the department of the Chinese Orthopadics and Traumatology in local clinics. The assistants also have no qualification or medical background. They practice the clinical manipulation in local Chinese clinics. They have no guarantee of safety for patients. The unqualified practice also waste the resources of the Bureau of National Health Insurance. Purpose&Method: The study will survey and analysis the quality of medical service in the department of the Chinese Orthopadics and Traumatolog of hospitals and clinics from both patients and CMDs. The study also invite the representatives of national association of CMDs、PTs、nurses and scholars to discussion. The study will evaluate on the availability of the post-manipulation by PTs in the department of the Chinese Orthopadics and Traumatology. The conclusion will perform by 3~4 demonstration conferences.
關鍵字:Chinese Orthopadics and Traumatology, manipulation, PT (physical therapists)