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CCMP97-RD-028 產婦坐月子的生活飲食型態與產後短期生活品質、身體恢復及 身心狀況之間相關研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16

產婦坐月子的生活飲食型態與產後短期生活品質、身體恢復及 身心狀況之間相關研究

坐月子中國傳統社會中婦女產後一種特殊行為,中國婦女普遍相信產後這種特殊的行為包括特殊的起居、特別的飲食與中藥的服用能幫助產婦身體的恢復、增加乳汁,預防感染、並可以預防往後的一些慢性疾病,坐月子不止在中國非常普遍,世界上有中國人的地方幾手都保留這項傳統。根據中醫的理論,血瘀和氣血兩虛分別是產褥期初期和後期最主要的體質,因此生化湯(Sheng-hauh-tang)和八珍湯 (Ba-jen-tang)產褥期初期與後期最常使用於調理的中藥方劑。因為與坐月子習俗及其應用的中草藥相關的文獻非常少,我們以回溯性的研究方式來建立坐月子的實證基礎。我們預計收集產後4-6週的婦女120人,評估產婦遵守坐月子的程度與各項指標(endpoints)的關係。其坐月子以的評估的方法以問卷的方式詢問產婦2個方面:1)生活飲食的遵守; 2)中藥服用的項目及數量(以生化湯和八珍湯的變方為主)。生活飲食的項目包括風冷(接觸性)、冷食(食熱食)、勞動(包括特定姿勢)、使用眼力(包括哭泣)在產後一個月內發生的頻率。中藥服用的數量以包含生化湯及八珍湯的中藥方劑為主,詢問產婦服用用的帖數。研究的指標分成3類:客觀指標(objective endpoints)、主觀指標(subjective endpoints)及身心評估。客觀指標包括血紅素、子宮大小與殘留量、哺乳狀況(乳汁量是否足夠、乳房疼痛及乳腺炎的發生率評估指標);主觀生活品質指標以「生活品質量表:SF-36」及「Mother Generate Index (MGI)」的問卷方式來評估。身心狀況的評估以「基本資料表」、「愛丁堡產後憂鬱量表-Edinburgh Postnatal Depressive Scale」、「貝氏憂鬱量表-Beck’s Depression Scale」、「貝氏焦慮量表-Beck’s Anxiety Scale」、「睡眠品質量表」、「社會支持問卷-two Social Support Questionnaries」來瞭解產後婦女之身心狀態。

The relationship between life style, food and Chinese Medicne intake during Zuo Yuezi and the quality of life, postpartum recovery, and psychological status short term postpartum

Shan-Yu Su
For Chinese women, Zuo Yuezi is a traditional behavior during the first month after childbirth. During one month postpartum, women maintain themselves in the house, eating traditional diet and some special herbs. It is believed that this kind of sitting in for the first month of the postnatal period facilitates the physical recovery and prevents chronic illness of the mothers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Zuo Yuezi and the Chinese medical formula on the physical recovery, life quality and mental status of women. We plan to recruit 120 wemen 4 weeks postpartum from the obstetric outpatient clinic in China Medical University Hospital, Taichung (CMUH), Taiwan. The enrolled subjects must meet the following criteria: 1) healthy women who deliver her first babies 4 weeks ago; 2) ANC at CMUH. The evaluation of Zuo Yuezi including the living style and the intaking of food and Chinese Medicine. Life quality will be evaluated by Mother-Generated Index (MGI) and SF-36. The objective index including Hb, the size and position of the uterus will be measured. Moreover, the mental status will be measured by Edinburgh Postnatal Depressive Scale, Beck’s Depression Scale, Beck’s Anxiety Scale and two Social Support Questionnaries. We anticipate we can find the correlation between the indices mentioned above and the Zuo Yuezi. Then we can find the benefits of Zuo Yuezi.
關鍵字:doing the month; mental state; uterus evolution; life quality