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CCMP97-RD-027 建立住院病患之中藥藥事照護模式計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16



The Establishment of the Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Care Mode for inpatient

Huei-Yann Tsai
Taichung China Medical University Hospitol
For the variability and complicity of clinical pharmaceutical care, the involving of clinical pharmacist is an ongoing trend for professional patient care. The earlier impression of dispensing-only for pharmacist is no longer fit the moving trend of the team-care reality. 
This is a pilot study to initiate the Chinese pharmaceutical care system in a university medical center hospital. Four dimensions of pharmaceutical care high light in this study, e.g., standardized Chinese medication-providing service, integrated medication information service, quality assurance on medications, and safety environment of pharmaceutical care. The implementations included evidence-based medication preservation, proper extraction, integration of multiple database, standardized medication labeling, intensive medication information, and Chinese drug-drug interaction database application. We expected these four dimension implementations provided in our program could promote the patient care quality and also provide a safety medication environment.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine pharmaceutical care;clinical pharmacy on Chinese medication;pilot study;inpatient care