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CCMP97-RD-022 以間葉系幹細胞之肝臟細胞分化技術測試固有成方保肝中藥之療效驗證

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


國立陽明大學 國立中國醫藥研究所

Application of hepatic defferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells as a screening platform to validate the therapeutic effects of traditional Chinese medicine prescription for liver diseases

Oscar K. Lee*; Te-Chang Lee1.
*National Yang-Ming University National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine(1)
High prevalence of liver diseases in Taiwan has resulted in a high death rate in these patients and made liver diseases the top leading causes of death for many years. Western medicine has no cure for these diseases but conservative and supportive treatments. There are also very limited western medications which demonstrate specific effects on improving liver functions. Traditional Chinese medicine has clearly recorded knowledge of liver protection. The public is also aware of traditional Chinese medications which promote and repair liver functions. With pursuit of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, the application of traditional Chinese medicine to liver diseases would be advanced by using western medical research methodology to establish a platform technology which can validate the liver protecting effects of traditional Chinese medicine. Our lab has demonstrated the differentiation potential of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells into hepatocytes. The aim of this project is to further apply this platform technology to examine whether various traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions with liver protecting ingredients would enhance liver specific functions of these hepatocytes, including albumin secretion, glycogen storage, metabolism of amino acids, and production of urea.
關鍵字:mesenchymal stem cells;hepatic differentiation;Chinese medicine prescription;liver diseases;therapeutic effects