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CCMP97-RD-020 硃砂經水飛法炮製後在鼷鼠體內的吸收,排泄及神經行為毒性的探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


硃砂乃是中國及亞洲各國常使用的一種重鎮寧神的礦物天然藥,神農本草經把硃砂歸納為有效無毒的上品藥:養精神、安魂魄、益氣明目,但後來發現不適當的使用,硃砂仍有毒性,如多用呆滯,這才符合現代毒理學有關毒物的定義:「每種物質是否有毒性,端賴劑量大小決定之」。因此有關硃砂的毒性,我們應該用現代科學的實驗來定位分級。本計劃擬餵食鼷鼠不同劑量的水飛硃砂(10,100及300mg/kg/day),連續5天或9天後,測試硃砂在鼷鼠體內吸收,排泄及神經行為的變化,實驗項目包括:1.收集鼷鼠血液、尿液、糞便,以供定量樣品中汞含量。2.連續餵食硃砂5天或9天後,並於測量神經行為之變異完成後,犠牲鼷鼠,分離腦、肝、腎、心、肺及脾臟各組織,以ICP-mass測定汞含量。3.神經行為之測試,包括鼷鼠彼此間之社交行為(social interaction),對開闊區域(open field)及秘室(closed field)之嗜選值(代表開朗或憂鬱之傾向),深索行為(對新奇物質之喜好及探索)、鎮靜寧神、學習記憶、攀爬能力及平衡功能。4.腦神經組織形態變化。5.腦組織NOx產生量及過氧化脂質產量之變化。

Studies on absorption, excretion and neurobehavioral toxicities of cinnabar purified by water floating processing in mice.

Yang Rong-Sen; Shiau, Shoei-Yn
National Taiwan University Hospital
Cinnabar is a naturally occurring mineral medicine used as a sedative in Asian for more than 2000 years and is still used. In case of unappropriate use, cinnabar is still toxic. In this study, we attempted to explore the absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of cinnabar (purified by water floating processes) in mice. In addition, the neurobehavioral effects (social interaction, plus maze, exploration and locomotor activities) of cinnabar on mice will also be explored. It is expected that the results obtained may provide useful information for understanding the possible mechanisms of the toxicokinetic and pharmacological actions of cinnabar, which may exhibit differences from those of the well-known toxic mercurial compounds such as methyl mercury.
關鍵字:Cinnabar;absorption;tissue distribution;excretion;neurobehavior