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CCMP97-RD-015 利用健保資料庫分析中藥單方或複方與相關西藥合用之比率

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


臺北榮民總醫院傳統醫學科(1) 臺北榮民總醫院家庭醫學部(2) 台中中國醫藥大學(3)
隨著醫學科技的進展,近二十年來全球對中醫藥的需求越發普遍,臨床上同時使用中西藥的機會也越來越高。由於病人往往認為大自然原生的藥物比較安全,可以搭配西藥來使用,實則已知中草藥也有藥理成分。如能合理使用中西藥,將可提高療效,降低毒副作用,但若不合理使用,則會使藥效降低或增加毒副作用,引起藥源性疾病。常見的中藥副作用往往來自於雜用各種藥,錯誤的品種,劑量錯誤,含重金屬或受細菌污染等,例如誤用含馬兜鈴酸的事件,然而這些並不屬於藥物不良反應。目前已有文獻報告指出中草藥和西藥會產生的交互作用,例如含麻黃碱的中藥製劑,就不宜與毛地黃、地高辛等聯用,可使強心劑的作用增強,毒性增加,致心律失常或心衰竭。又如胡蘆巴和抗凝血藥Warfarin合用時,會增加出血傾向;大蒜和銀杏則會對抗癌藥物有作用等。 在台灣,中或西醫師是分開接受不同體系的養成教育,然後分開執業。但是病人則可以自由選擇就醫科別,因此若中西醫師所開立的中西藥之間有交互作用,不僅病人不知道,可能是中、西醫師各一方都會忽略的問題。

To analyze the NIH database for the frequency of combined use of Chinese herbal drugs or acupuncture with related western medicine

Fang-Pey Chen(1), Shinn-Jang Hwang(2), Fun-Jou Chen(3), Yu-Chun Chen(2), Maw-Shiou Jong(1)
Center for Traditional Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital(1) Department of Family Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital(2) Graduate Institute of Integration Chinese and Western Medicine, Chinese Medical University(3)
The use of herbal medicines (HM) is on the rise among the global population. Although the safety profile of many herbal medicine is promising, accumulated data show evidences of significant interactions with medications, which can place individual patients at great risk. Among consumers, there is widespread belief that remedies of natural origin are safe, and many patients take these natural products concomitantly with drugs prescribed by their physicians. The majority of HM are harmless in small doses. However, HM have been shown to have adverse effects, which are related to a variety of causes, including adulteration, mistaken use of the wrong species or misidentification, incorrect dosing, errors in use, contamination (toxic metal, microbes, toxins, pollutants), and toxic constituents (for example, aristolochic acid). HM affect pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of conventional drugs and thus cause herb-drug interactions. Unfortunately, clinicians and consumers do not always have information that permits robust inferences about interactions between HM and prescribed drugs. There is no doubt that there is potential for HM to interact adversely with prescription medicines, with danger of injury and even death.
關鍵字:Chinese herbal drug, herb-drug interaction, NHI database