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CCMP97-RD-005 中藥材有無經輻射照射之檢測方法研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


本計畫係依照行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會97年度研究重點 (2-2):中藥材有無經輻射照射之檢測方法研究提出。研究目的為建立檢測中藥材輻射照射之技術。中藥材之微生物及昆蟲之生長將破壞其成份、降低療效、產生有害物質,造成醫療保健上的問題。在國人藥膳食補盛行的情況下,中藥材的品質管制更顯重要。輻射照射是一種有效且無環境污染的食品保存方法,世界各地已有五十餘國為官方同意可進行各類食品之照射,歐盟亦於2006年公告允許輻射照射之食品。但唯有當消費者了解中藥材照射技術之益處時,才會樂於選擇經照射之中藥材。欲增加消費者對經照射中藥材之接受度,需提供消費者鑑別中藥材輻射照射技術的資訊、適當的產品標示及市場檢驗管控,以保障消費者之選擇權利。
本計畫由國內用量及進口量較高之中藥材中,選取西洋參及薏仁二種中藥材進行二次取樣,每批藥材取樣3重複,於清華大學進行輻射照射,測定微生物數,進行主成分分析,確定滅菌所需輻射劑量。將以EPR及DNA Comet 之方法,分析人參及薏仁經適當輻射滅菌劑量處理前、後之自由基含量及DNA損傷程度。並於輻射滅菌後經三個月及六個月貯存,再次進行中藥材之EPR及DNA Comet分析。確定檢測中藥材輻射照射之分析程序,及照射後貯存時間與檢測輻射照射效率之相關性。建立檢測中藥材輻射照射之標準作業程序。
關鍵字:中藥材;輻射照射;電子自旋共振;DNA 彗星分析法

Development of method for detection of the irradiated Chinese medicine herbs

Fong-In, Chou
National Tsing Hua University
This project is based on the major research focuses (2-2): Development of method for detection of the irradiated Chinese medicine herbs (CMHs) proposed by the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan. 
The aim of this research is to set up the optimal analytical methods to detect prior irradiation of CMHs. The microbial growth in CMHs can break down the nutrient components of CMHs, decrease the curative effect of CMHs, and even may produce toxic components, such as mycotoxin. All these evens can cause potential problems in medical treatment and health care. Because the ingestion of CMHs have become a popular way to improve health in Taiwan, the quality control of CMHs is urgently needed. CMHs can be treated by ionizing radiation with doses capable of destroying the insects and the microorganisms. The irradiation of foodstuffs is an effective, environmentally friendly solution which is authorized in more than 50 different countries all over the world and for various kinds of food products. The EU has recently published the new “List of Member States” authorizations of those food and food ingredients which are allowed to be treated with ionizing radiation. The attitude of consumers towards food irradiation will becoming more positive due to spreading of information and knowledge of this process as well as to the availability of some analytical methods to detect prior radiation treatment.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine herbs;gamma irradiation;EPR;DNA comet assay