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  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


本計畫〝中(草)藥添加生藥粉末之品質(指標)量化及確效研究〞擬將研究項目分為三項主題進行:(一)生藥粉末添加對其品質指標檢測及量化評估;包括:粗纖維含量、纖維組成分(半纖維素、纖維素及木質素)、纖維單醣組成(rhamnose、fructose、arabinose、xylose、mannose、galactose、glucose、allose)、澱粉含量、粒徑大小、十字偏光、色澤、膨潤力、沉降速率。(二)生藥粉末添加之確效評估:利用液相層析儀分析麻黃湯之指標成分Ephedrine、pseudophedrine、Amygdalin、cinnamic acid、glycyrrhizin及生理活性成分:總多酚類含量、類黃酮、單寧含量。(三)生藥粉末添加對造粒機制及品質影響之評估:探討傳統(澱粉、乳糖、CMC)及生藥粉末添加對造粒機制、顆粒大小、外觀、溶解性及微細構造觀察,並評估其對品質之影響。


“Chinese herbal concentrated medicine” is one of the main product types of Taiwan’s medicinal herbs. The medicinal herb is mainly selected, cleansed, decoction processed, packaged and then heated, extracted, concentrated, and added with starch, edible gum, and lactose to produce excipients. The excipients can provide curative effect, maintenance of aroma, improvement of formation and solubility, thereby, becoming a key technology of granulization. Owing to the low index composition and reproducibility instability, during extraction, many medicinal herb producers often add raw medicine powder to improve the stability and effectiveness. Moreover, the raw materials of many medicinal herbs that include high content of starch and pectin cause the medicinal herbs to be easily affected during extraction and drying because of gelatinization and high degree of viscosity. “Raw medicine powder” is the excipient, producers mostly add to the medicinal herbs so as to improve the processing convenience and curative effect. The process of estimating the quantity of raw medicine powder added to the medicinal herb and its effect on quality, curative effect, reproducibility, stability, is worthy to be valued and invested in related researches.
關鍵字:raw medicine powder, crude fiber, excipient, Chinese herbal medicine, granulization