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CCMP97-RD-003 比較野生樟芝與實驗室人工栽培樟芝活性功效之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


樟芝(Antrodia camphorate)是台灣特有褐腐菌,只能生長在台灣常綠闊葉樹-牛樟(Cinnamomum kanehirae hay)的內壁。樟芝氣味芳香,味辛苦,子實體富含多醣體與三萜類等成分,有抗B型肝炎與防癌等功效。基於其功效以及野生樟芝子實體數量極少,加上人工栽培不易等因素,所以價格昂貴;業者往往為了採取野生樟芝而大肆盜伐牛樟樹,使臺灣特有珍貴樹種瀕臨滅絕,破壞森林多樣性與生態平衡。本實驗室執行95-96年度中醫藥委員會「藥用植物資源開發研究類」委託計畫”樟芝栽培與其抗癌活性之研究” (CCMP95-TP-044)已有優良研究成果。本為期一年之研究計畫結合跨校之林農業與醫學生物技術學者的專長與已建立的跨校單位間人員之良好合作模式與默契以及上述計劃既有之執行成果與實驗技術內容為根基,將延續上述研究成果,利用動物模式循序漸進地分析比較野生樟芝與本實驗室人工栽培樟芝的活性,選殖富含活性成分之菌種與建立人工栽培方式,確立可大量生產富含活性成分樟芝之人工栽培法與研發藥用樟芝之抗癌活性相關保健產品。本研究計畫之目標符合推動傳統藥材生技研發類之研究重點2-2:中草藥品質之確保研究(3)野生與栽培藥材藥效比較之研究。根據本實驗室執行95-96年度衛生署中醫藥委員會補助計畫之經驗,不但有信心透過本計劃之執行提供台灣本土特有藥用菇菌之文獻資料相關資訊、建立藥用菇菌之最佳人工栽培條件與技術,並根據分析比較野生與人工栽培樟芝之活性成分與功效,進行人工培養及篩檢研發符合市場需求的樟芝保健產品,符合社會大眾與市場需求以及推動推廣中草藥產業之目標。更可有效遏止盜伐,挽救臺灣特有珍貴樹種牛樟樹避免瀕臨滅絕。

Comparison and analysis of the anti-tumor and immune-promoting activities of wild Antrodia camphorate and laboratory cultured Antrodia camphorate

Yih-Hsin Chang
School of Medical Laboratory and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University
Antrodia camphorate (AS) is a unique brown-rot fungus species which only parasitizes in the decayed heart wood of stout camphor (Cinnamomum kanehirae hay) in Taiwan. The AS fruiting body contains abundant polysaccharrides and terpenes that are proved to have effective anti-viral function and anti-tumor activity. The price of AS therefore rocketed in the market and it has become the target of illegal harvesting. Consequently, AS has become an endangered species in Taiwan due to the illegal felling. Owing to our implementation of the DOH-supported grant “Study on the culture techniques and anti-tumor activities of Antrodia camphorate”, and good mutual cooperative relationship has been established among 4 departements of 3 universities. In addition, based on our good achievements in the execuation of the above project, we are confident to propose the present proposal which is the extention of the study goals of the above project. The present proposal is aimed to investigate and compare the in vivo anti-tumor and immune-promoting activities between wild and cultured AS. The implementation of this project can not only uncover the mechanisms of anti-tumor and immune-promoting components from AS, but also establish effective and optimal culture conditions and techniques that can culture AS with high content of active components in large scale.
關鍵字:Antrodia camphorate, optimal culture conditions and techniques, anti-tumor activity