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CCMP97-RD-002 利用中藥渣栽培藥用菇類-松杉靈芝和雲芝

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


藥用菇類因具有豐富的生理活性物質,是現今國內外開發保健食品的重要素材。中藥製造業製程之廢棄物主要為植物性殘渣,根據國內相關研究推估,每年產生之廢棄物總量約為1,000~1,500 公噸,由於其富含有機物質及營養成份,如能妥善利用,將極具經濟效益且符合環境衛生。本次計劃針對中藥藥渣的生物轉化可行性進行分析研究,利用數種中藥渣部份取代木屑作為培養基,栽培松杉靈芝和雲芝探討對菌絲生長和出菇產量的影響,並將其子實體進行多醣體、三萜類的含量分析與抗氧化活性分析,期盼對寶貴的中藥與環境資源做永續應用。

Cultivation of medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma tsugae and Coriolus versicolor, using herbal dregs

Wai-Jane Ho(1), Chang-Wei Hsieh(1), Zeng-Chin Liang(2)
Department of Medicinal Botany and Healthcare, Da-Yeh University(1), Department of Bioresources, Da-Yeh University(2)
Medicinal mushrooms are important materials for functional food development owing to their bioactive substances-rich. The main waste in herbal manufacturing industry is botanical dregs. According to the report, the produced mass of herbal dregs are 1,000~1,500 tons. It possesses economical benefit and meet with environmental sanitation for resource utilization on herbal dregs owing to they contain organic matters and nutrients. The aim of this project is to study bioconversion of herbal dregs for cultivation of Ganoderma tsugae and Coriolus versicolor. We plan to explore the mycelial growths and biological efficiencies of these two medicinal mushrooms using some herbal dregs partially replace sawdust, and then analysis the mass of polysaccharides and triterpenes and antioxidant activity.