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CCMP97-RD-001-1 草藥資源永續使用之探討研究-濕地植物供藥用之調查、種植與活性評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


就特有生物研究保育中心調查,台灣特有及稀有水生植物族群生態之研究,經 1998 年 至 2000 年三年之調查,共採集水生植物 51 科 124 種,其中台灣特有種8種,分別是台灣水韭、水社柳、水柳、台灣萍蓬草、台灣水龍、大安水蓑衣、台灣水蕹、臺灣菱。新紀錄種有白花穗蒪、宜蘭莞草及泰山穀精草等3種;新種台灣水蕹發現於台中清水之農田;新分布地點有 24種;野外生育地可能已消失者有槐葉蘋、藍睡蓮、子午蓮、烏蘇里聚藻、印度莕菜、冠果草、水鱉、水車前及品萍等 9 種。根據世界自然保育聯盟 ( IUCN ) 物種瀕危等級標準進行初步評估,共得稀有植物 121 種,分別為,已絕滅級 ( EX ) 2 種 ,瀕臨絕滅級 ( E ) 17種,漸危級 ( V )26種,稀少級 ( R ) 76 種。為保育水生植物種原,因此對於濕地藥用植物調查刻不容緩,本研究主要目的是以濕地藥用植物當作研究模式,首先調查出濕地藥用植物之名錄,再參考相關諸多文獻,將調查所得之重要濕地藥用植物依中文名、別名、學名、科名、分布、辨識特徵、藥用部位及效用等項編寫,搭配實地調查所拍攝之彩圖,匯聚成冊。再利用濕地藥用植物的活性分析結果,根據其資料,評估濕地藥用植物在保健食品的應用上,或對於治療、預防疾病上的助益,是否具有開發潛力。期許濕地藥用植物可廣泛應用在人類的生活上,且對於人類疾病治療或預防有所助益。

The plants were using for medicinal investigation, the planter and the active analysis in the wetland

Guan-jhong Huang
China medical univeristy
The investigation of the endemic species research institute, Taiwan unique and rare aquatic plant (1998~2000), gathered the aquatic plant 51 branches 124 kinds. Taiwan unique kinds (8 kinds) are the Isoets taiwanensis, Salix kusanoi, Salix warburgii, Nuphar shimadai, Ludwigia X taiwanensisPeng, Hygrophila pogonocalyx, Aponogeton taiwanensis Masamune and Trapa taiwanensis, respectively. New record plants (3 kinds) are the Cabomba caroliniana、Bolboschoenus planiculmis and E. taishanense and so on. New kind of Aponogeton taiwanensis Masamune discovered in the farm of the Taichung. The new distribution place has 24 kinds; According to the preliminary appraisal in the IUCN, altogether the rare plant 121 kinds, respectively. For the care originally, therefore the wetland medicinal plant investigated urgently. The goal is treats as the research pattern by the wetland medicinal plant. We will investigate the wetland medicinal plant according to Chinese name, the alias, the systematic name, the grade, the distribution, recognizes the characterization, the medicinal purposes and effectiveness and so on. And according to the activity analysis, the wetland medicinal plant assess in health foods application. It will helpful for the academic research and applied technology development.