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CCMP98-RD-034 接受化學治療癌症病患之中醫診斷:以經絡能量診察為基礎

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


國內有中西醫並行的醫療體系,癌症病患有很高的中醫使用率,但至今仍缺乏對癌症病患中醫診斷的研究。本研究目的是以接受化療的癌症患者之經絡能量診察結果為基礎,並考量其性別、年齡、癌症診斷與分期,作出中醫診斷的分類;再進一步檢視中醫診斷分類與中醫體質評估、癌症症狀、癌症生理指標與健康相關生活品質的關係。此計畫採縱貫性研究設計,分兩年進行,研究地點在北部某一同時具有血液腫瘤科及傳統醫學科的教學醫院,研究對象為肺癌與大腸直腸癌,蒐集癌症病患在化學治療前、化療第1、3、6個月與結束後1個月的經絡能量、中醫體質量表評估、癌症症狀、生理檢驗值與生活品質資料,樣本數預計為100位。資料分析將採用群集分析(cluster analysis)以探索建立中醫診斷的分類,中醫診斷分類建立後,將以卡方檢定及ANOVA比較不同中醫診斷組在中醫體質量表評估、癌症症狀、生理檢驗值與健康相關生活品質的不同。預期本研究結果能提供癌症病患中醫診斷的評估基礎。

Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis of Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: Based on Meridian Energy Results

Chen-Jei Tai
Taipei Medical University
Taiwan has a two-tiered medical system including modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Patients with cancer have a high rate of TCM use, but few studies have been conducted on TCM diagnosis for patients with cancer. The objectives of this study are to construct TCM diagnosis among patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy based on meridian energy results, given sex, age, cancer diagnosis, and cancer stage are considered. We further examine the relationship between TCM diagnosis, constitution, cancer symptoms, physiological indicators, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). This study is a two-year longitudinal study. The study participants will be recruited from a teaching hospital with both Dept. of hemo-oncology and TCM. The study participants are 100 patients with lung cancer and colon cancer. Data will be collected at before chemotherapy, the first, third, and sixth months after start of chemotherapy, and one month after completion of chemotherapy. Cluster analysis will be used to explore and construct categories of TCM diagnosis. After categories of TCM diagnosis finalized, chi-square statistics and ANOVA will be used to compare constitution, cancer symptoms, physiological indicators, and HRQOL among TCM diagnosis groups. The study results could provide basis for TCM diagnosis among patients with cancer.
關鍵字:cancer, meridian, energy, cluster analysis, symptoms, constitution, health-related quality of life