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CCMP95-TP-032-1 常見中西藥併服之醫療利用型態研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



A population-based study on co-prescription pattens of Chinese and Western medicines in Taiwan.

National Yang Ming University
Interest in complementary and alternative medicine is increasing, not only in patients seeking help, but also in researchers investigating the effectiveness of various therapies and interventions.In addition, surveys have indicated that as many as 16% of prescription drug users consume herbal supplements. Moreover, fewer than 40% of patients disclose their herbal supplement usage to health care providers and many physicians are unaware of the potential for herb drug interactions. Traditional Chinese medicine is one of popular therapeutic modalities in several Asian countries. Since 1995, Chinese medicine is listed under the NHI program in Taiwan. The NHI claimed database has provided unprecedented opportunities to access and analyze the prevalence and patterns of Chinese medicine utilization in general population. Base on the above database, we examined the scale of Chinese medicine (CM) utilization and CM-western drugs co-prescriptions in a population-based fashion. In particular, this proposed study focuses on cardiovascular drugs and CM. Such co-prescriptions are worthy of awarenes of, and concern for increased risk of bleeding in patient safety. This population-based research is undertaken to investigate utilization patterns and trends of Chinese medicine plus western medicines under the National Health Insurance program in Taiwan. We anticipate that the present study could provide important information for both health policy makers and clinicians in Taiwan.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine;Western medicine